Tata Docomo Dream Car Contest 2016

Organization : Tata Teleservices Limited (TTL)
Competition Name : Tata Docomo Dream Car Contest 2016
Applicable For : Active Prepaid & Postpaid Subscribers of TTL
Applicable States/UTs : Delhi, Rajasthan, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil-Nadu & Chennai, Uttar-Pradesh East, Uttar-Pradesh West, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Kolkata , Rest of Bengal
Competition Last Date :9th July 2016

Contest T&C : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/12906-contest.pdf

Dream Car Contest Terms and Conditions:

Quiz Contest that is available on Call (IVR) and SMS on 543218 in the form of multiple choice questions and answers. It’s a pay per use contest. The Customer would be charged Rs. 3 per Answer. The Prizes waiting to be won in this Contest are: Assured Prize of a Discount Coupon, Daily Recharge, Weekly Rs.500 worth Recharge, Bumper Prize of Hero Dawn Bike and Mega Prize of Hyundai Eon Car.

Related : Tata Docomo BID Deal Contest 2016 : www.contest.net.in/10741.html

This Contest is organized by TTL and sponsored by OnMobile Global Limited. This Contest is open for participation for the active1 pre-paid and post-paid category of Subscribers2 (“Subscriber(s)”) of TTL, during the period from 11th May th , 2016 00:00:01 hrs to 9th July 2016 23:59:59 hrs, both days inclusive

** Subscriber must be of or above 18 years of age;
** Subscriber must be a resident of India;
** Subscriber must belong to any one of the Circles mentioned in these Terms and conditions;
** The name and address of the Subscriber must at all times correspond with the name and address of such Subscriber as is registered with TTL during the Contest Duration and on the date of Winner selection and distribution of prizes under this Contest unless otherwise expressly authorized in writing by TTL.
** Subscribers must maintain a minimum balance of Rs.3/- on each day of the Contest to play the Contest on that day.
** Subscriber must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court order etc. and /or is prohibited from entering into any contractual relationship

The Contest will be available in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada languages on Interactive Voice Response (“IVR”) and in English and Hindi on Short Message Service (“SMS”). The contest shall be called Gold To Win Contest across all circles. It might be possible that user gets only 1 language option on IVR basis circle preferred language as decided by the operator.

Contest on Voice:
** The Contest consists of a total of 710 questions, with 2 answer options for each question and the Subscribers can answer the questions by pressing 1 or 2 on their mobile phone keypad.
** All questions are in multiple choice format and the answer to each must be selected from one of the two options only.
** The Subscribers may answer any number of questions on a particular day at their discretion. The Subscribers will be played the questions one after the other till he/she finishes answering all the questions of the Contest.
** In case if user does not want to answer that particular question by any chance, he/she can press 3 and get the question skipped.
** Once 3 is pressed, question should be skipped and replaced with new question and should not be charged on this key press.
** After every Right/Wrong answer, the user will be played an appropriate response followed by the updated score and given the next question and answer options

Contest on SMS:
** The Contest consists of a total of 710 questions, with 2 answer options each and the Subscribers can answer the questions by sending A or B or 1 or 2 on their mobile phone keypad.
** The Subscribers may answer any number of questions on a particular day at their discretion.
** The Subscribers will receive the questions one after the other till he/she finishes answering all the questions of the Contest.
** The questions under the Contest shall be based on general information available to public at large.

For all Subscribers who participate in the Contest for the first time by sending the keyword WIN or START as an SMS to 543218, a welcome SMS will be sent to the Subscriber, informing them about the gratifications offered under the Contest, the charges per answer and the Terms and Conditions URL. This will be followed by the 1st question and answer options.

This post was last modified on December 30, 2022 12:31 PM

Categories: Tata Docomo

View Comments (10)

  • I am from Delhi. I have completed 680 points. When will result be declared? I am waiting and want to know previous contest winner.

  • I would like to know the winners of dream car contest. When the result is going to be released and how to check?

  • I am playing dream car contest. I want to know the criteria to win the car. What number of queries I have to answer and by what date and time?

  • I am playing dream car contest. I want to know the criteria to win the car. What number of queries I have to answer and by what date and time?

  • I am deepak ojha my point 115 to tata car jeeto offer partcpet iam waiting your result in offer then so replay fast

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