Ezone Online Galaxy Note 7 Prebooking Offer 2016

Organization : Ezone Online
Offer Name : Galaxy Note 7 Prebooking Offer 2016
Offer Valid Till : 30th August 2016

Website : ezoneonline [dot] in

Prebooking of Galaxy Note 7

** Only one Product can be pre booked against one mobile number. The Customer has to use the same mobile number with which the pre-booking was done to activate the Device. In case any other mobile number is used to activate the device, customer will not be eligible to receive the benefits of the Offer.

Related : Samsung Next Galaxy Contest 2016 : www.contest.net.in/14883.html

The pre-book offer shall be available from 22nd August to 30th August 2016 on the following products :
** 6000041849001 – SAMSUNG N930F NOTE7 64GB PREBOOK GOLD
** 6000041849002 – SAMSUNG N930F NOTE7 64GB PREBOOK BLACK
** 6000041849003 – SAMSUNG N930F NOTE7 64GB PREBOOK SILVER

** In case a customer pre-books more than one Device and uses the same mobile number to activate the Devices, he/she shall be eligible for one Gear VR only under this Offer.
** Pre-book amount of Rs. 2000/- needs to be paid by the customer for pre-booking the product. Tentative Price of the product will be Rs. 59,900/-.
** The shipping of the product will be subject to complete payment and availability of stocks. Stocks will be available for dispatch from 2nd September 2016 onwards.
** Once the customer receives/collects the Device he/she will have to follow the process given hereunder to redeem the Gear VR at Rs. 1,990.

The Process to redeem the Gear VR is as under:
** Open “My Galaxy” application which is pre-installed on the Device.
** Customer will have to sign in to My Galaxy with the same mobile number with which the pre-booking and activation of the Device has been done failing which he/she will not be eligible for the Gear VR @ Rs. 1,990 offer. In case the customer is already a My Galaxy user, it is advisable that he/she pre-books and activates the Device with the same mobile number or else creates a new account with the number with which the pre-booking and activation has been done.
** Fresh enrolment/Sign in (Registration) to My Galaxy must happen by 15th November 2016 only, failing which customer will not be eligible for the offer.
** Registration & sign up on My Galaxy to be done with same mobile with which pre booking and activation was done. In case any other mobile number is used customer will not be eligible to avail the offer.
** Post registering / signing up in the My Galaxy, customer can generate his/her coupon in the My Galaxy App itself by clicking on the offer banner. Customer will be able to view the offer banner within 2-3 days from the date of registration in the My Galaxy App.
** The redemption of the coupon will start from 2nd September 2016 onwards.
** Coupon will be valid for one time use only against redemption of Gear VR.
** Coupon can be redeemed on Samsung shop (Samsung e-store) on or before 15th November 2016 by clicking on the ‘Use Coupon Code’ tab in the My Galaxy application which will direct the customer to Samsung shop.
** The shipping of Gear VR will happen within 60 days from date of placing order on the Samsung shop.

This post was last modified on July 31, 2023 5:27 PM

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