odishatourism.gov.in International Sand Art Festival 2016 : Department of Tourism Odisha

Organisation : Government of Odisha Department of Tourism & Culture
Competition Name : International Sand Art Festival 2016
Last Date : 05.11.2016

Notification : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/17979-Art-Festival.pdf
Website : http://www.odishatourism.gov.in/

International Sand Art Festival :

The International Sand Art Festival shall be held at Chandrabhaga beach, Konark, Puri, Odisha, India from 1st – 5th December 2016 coinciding with famous Konark Festival.

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The sand art shall be organized at Chandrabhaga Beach which is about one kilometer from the World heritage site Konark. For Sand Art Festival at national level, there shall be a competition among the artists on the basis of their display in all 5 days.

Rules & Regulations :
Obligation of the participant:
** The event will be for 5 days from 1st – 5th December 2016.
** The artists would start work from 1st December 2016 (morning) and the festival
** would be formally inaugurated on 1st December 2016 (evening).
** The artists are required to change the sculpture every day as per the theme.
** To use only Sea Beach sand available in the allotted plot for sculpture.
** Shall not do any sculpture hurting the religious sentiment of the people.
** Shall not take alcohol at the site.
** The artist shall bring the instruments and hand tools (no machinery tools shall be allowed) required for the purpose.
** The entire sculpture shall be only from Sand and Water. No external materials can be used in the sculpture.
** The participant will submit duly signed Entry Form before participating in the event.
** Artists are expected to respect sensibility of local people in dressing and behavior.

Obligation of the organizer:
** Provide space measuring about 30’x30′ with barricade.
** Supply required water for all the sculptures.
** Sand artists from Puri district shall be paid (@ Rs.5000/- per day including accommodation and food.
** Sand Artists other than Puri district will get (@ Rs.4000/- per day as remuneration excluding accommodation and food.
** For National participants outside Odisha shall be given to & fro economy air fare / 3″AC train fare subject to production of ticket.
** Sand Artists from outside the State shall be paid Rs.4000/- per day for 5 days
** excluding accommodation and food.
** Sand artists from outside the State shall be paid for 7 days including travel time and sand artists from inside the State shall be paid for 5 days
** Provide accommodation for 6 days for outside state artists on twin sharing basis with breakfast, lunch & dinner
** Arrange local transport i.e. from hotel to site and vice versa
** The schedule and show time will be provided by the organizer on arrival.
** The organizer shall constitute a panel of Jury for the competition and their decision will be final and binding.
** Cash award of Rs. 50,000/- shall be paid to the winner and trophies will be given to the 2″ and 3″ winner.
** The authority reserves the right to change/ modify any or all conditions without any notice.

The cover should be Superscribed on bold letter “Application for Participation in International Sand Art Festival” and will be addressed to The Director & Addl. Secretary, Department of Tourism, Govt. of Odisha, Paryatan Bhawan, Lewis Road, Bhubaneswar-14.

Application will be received in the prescribed format up to 4.00 P.M. on 05.11.2016 through postal or e-mail (oritour(at)gmail.com).

This post was last modified on February 23, 2021 5:35 PM

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