tatabuildingindia.com TBI Online School Essay Competition 2014-15 : Tata Building India

Organisation : Tata Building India
Name of the Competition : TBI Online School Essay Competition 2014-15
Country : India

Website : http://tatabuildingindia.com/New-Site/index.php

Online School Essay Competition :

The online edition is open to all school students and the edition 2014-15 started from 1 July 2014.

Update: Tata Building India TBI Online Essay Competition 2018-19 : www.contest.net.in/38839.html

Online version permits to participate Only once in a academic year/Term on the randomly selected topics which appear on the screen once the student has registered Himself/Herself . However in case multiple entries being made by a student the latest entry by the participant will only be considered for evaluation.

All essays submitted online will be categorized in two levels Junior 6 to 8 th std & Senior 9th to 12 th std and will be evaluated by Judges on the parameters of Relevance to topic, Language, Structure, Creativity, Communication of idea, and the winners will be announced on the Website and Facebook page of Tata Building India . All winners will receive a citation. This is an attempt to reach out to School students were Tata Building India school Essay competition is not held at school level.

Register Here : http://tatabuildingindia.com/New-Site/index.php/essay

Guidelines for Essay Competition :

1. This competition is only for school students in Junior Category 6th to 8th Std. and Senior Category 9th to 12th Std.

2. One individual can participate only once in one academic session.

3. If the content is found to be copied or not original, the participant will be disqualified.

4. The topics are randomly distributed to avoid repetition.

5. The evaluation of the essays will be done by a Panel and the decision of the Panel will be abiding to all the participants.

6. By participating in the competition you agree to have read and understood the terms and conditions and abide by the same.

7. All content so generated will be IPR of Tata Building India and cannot be shared, published, or copied by any means without prior permission.

8. The results will be displayed on the website.

9. Tata Building India reserves the right to modify, restructure and withdraw the Tata Building India Online essay competition with 7 days’ notice on its website.

Student can participate both in School and Online essay competition as both are independent of each other.

Rules :

** This competition is open to all schools in a particular city where this competition is being conducted. To check the cities coverage log on to www.tatabuildingindia.com

** Students cannot participate on their own in this competition. Only schools can participate. Request for participation can be made at www.tatabuildingindia.com

** The English/Hindi/regional language version competition will be only conducted in schools where the medium of instruction is necessarily English/Hindi/regional language respectively

** There is no entry fee

** A student can participate only once from his own school. Valid Identification & contact details has to be produced in case of a request from the organizers

** The Competition (film screening & essay writing) has to be conducted only in the school during the schedule timings. Entries can be disqualified for not following the given procedure

** The essay topics are different for each year. Entry will be considered valid only if the essay is written on the given topic

** The organizers retain the right to make any changes to the event, its format, date, rules and in any matter related to this event without any prior notice

** Entry to the competition for schools is by invitation only and organizers reserve the right to accept or reject any application to registration and / or entry to the proceedings

** By entering the competition, the participants & attendees permit themselves to be photographed/ recorded by electronic, online and print media for telecast, publications & contacted by their given email ids and other display usage of the organizers

** All national/state level winners will be provided stay and return travel for the national award ceremony only from the city of victory i.e. their city of participation

** Organizers will arrange for the prize distribution for winners & runners up through their event management agency. Any loss of prizes during transit or due to any other reason would not be organizer’s responsibility & hence wouldn’t be liable for replacement

** Once you participate in the competition you indicate your acceptance for the format, prizes & decisions including judging of essays on school, city & national level which will final and binding

** All decision taken by the organizers will be final & binding on all issues related to Tata Building India School Essay Competition


This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:03 PM

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