Zee Marathi Sankrant Queen Audition 2017

Organization : Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited
Competition Name : Zee Marathi Sankrant Queen Audition 2017
Applicable For : Female/ Women Residents of Maharashtra
Applicable States/UTs : Maharashtra
Registration Last Date : February 15, 2017

Website : http://www.zeemarathi.com/
Contest T&C : https://www.facebook.com/notes/zee-marathi/terms-and-conditions-zee-marathi-sankrant-queen-audition/10155657509599307

Sankrant Queen Audition:

1. These terms and condition govern the registration process for participating in the auditions conducted for the beauty/talent pageant competition “Zee Marathi Sankrant Queen” (“Event”) organised by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited (“ZEEL”) (“Audition”) on behalf of Zee Marathi channel (“Channel”).

Related : Zee Marathi Sanmaan Ticha Contest : www.contest.net.in/15337.html

2. Participation in the Audition is restricted only to female/ women residents of Maharashtra and who have completed 18 years of age and are not more than 60 years of age as on January 01, 2017 and those who are legally married on or before January 01, 2017.
3. Every person who fills, complete and submit the registration form (“Registration Form”) available on the webpage URL www.zeemarathi.com/ZeeMarathiSankra… (“Website”) or at the Audition venue, in the manner described below is referred to as an “Applicant”.

4. To participate in the Audition, Applicant shall either successfully register online on the Website by furnishing all the necessary details as required therein (“Online Registration”) or fill in detail the complete Registration Form by being physically present at the Audition venue in any one City (as provided herein below) on the date and time, details of which shall be made available on the Website (“Spot Registration”).

Online Registration for Audition in each City shall be closed one day before such respective Audition (“Online Registration Period”). Online Registration and Spot Registration shall be collectively referred to as ‘Audition Registration’. Tentative list of City comprises of Chinchawad (Pune), Aurangabad, Nagpur, Amravati, Nashik, Guhagar, Gadhhinglaj, Kolhapur and Sangli.

5. For the Spot Registration in each city, participation in the Audition shall be available on first cum first serve basis during the tentative dates starting from January 9, 2017 to February 15, 2017 (“Registration Period”) and first hundred Applicant (or any other number as may be decided at the sole discretion of ZEEL) shall be allowed to take part in the on ground Audition held in such City.

6. In order to participate in the Audition, Applicant(s) is required to fill/complete the Registration Form and submit the same during the Registration Period/Online Registration Period (“Application(s)”).
7. If the Applicant(s) does not submit/complete the Registration Form during the Registration Period/Online Registration Period, then such Application shall not be considered as valid for the purpose of the Audition and such Applicant shall be disqualified.

8. It is clarified that successful Online Registration does not provide exemption to the Applicants from participation in the on ground Audition in the City which they have selected as their preference, while filling in the details required for the Online Registration. To further clarify, on ground Audition is mandatory for each Applicant.

9. If any Registration Form is not completely filled as required, then ZEEL shall consider such Application as invalid and such Applicant will be disqualified. ZEEL shall have no further liability towards such Applicant.
10. Submission/completion of Registration Form does not guarantee participation in the Audition and the same shall be at the sole discretion of ZEEL.

11. The number of rounds, the criteria for selection to further rounds of Audition shall be determined by ZEEL at its sole discretion and shall be binding on all Applicants. The Applicant shall not raise any concerns regarding the same.
12. In the event an Application has submitted more than 1 (One) Application or has auditioned for more than one City then only the first Application and the first Audition submitted shall be considered for the purpose of evaluation by ZEEL.

This post was last modified on July 20, 2021 12:36 PM

Categories: Audition/Voting

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