IFHE India Lex Knot 2017 Photography Competition : ifheindia.org

Organization : The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education IFHE
Competition Name : Lex Knot 2017 Photography Competition
Applicable For : All Law Students from Universities/Colleges/Law Schools
Competition Last Date : March 12th, 2017

Website : http://www.ifheindia.org/
Competition Rules: https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/20952-Competition.pdf
Registration Form : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/20952-Form.pdf

Photography Competition:

Freedom of Expression is regarded as one of the fundamental aspects of individual liberty. And it is one of the basic elements for healthy and open minded democracy. The photography can be a strong medium of expression and tool in unearthing the socio legal issues prevelant in the society today.

Related : LIMEWIT Photography Themed Week & Contest : www.contest.net.in/20946.html

It facilitates the people to participate freely in the social, cultural, political and economic happenings of the country. We believe that this event inculcates the habit of creating a record of the happenings and triggers legal curiosity among law students apart from their regular course.

Further, it helps the participants to exhibit ideas and critical thinking through Photography skills which will enhance their legal knowledge. This will ultimately create a forum for the critical debate of issues arising from the historical, political, cultural and scientific fields.

Level 1: “Demonetisation and Digitalisation in India”
Level 2: Will be announced on the spot.

No of participants in each team: One per team
Prizes: First Prize: Rs 5,000/- Second Prize: Rs 3,000/-

Rules and Regulations for Photography Competition:
1. The competition is open to all Law Students from Universities/Colleges/Law Schools on a regular basis.
2. The Law College/institute or university may send more than one person having the skillsets of the photography and each person should be treated as individual contestant and should register individually for the competition.
3. The Photographs should be original and shall be the intellectual property of the organizer sand regarding the same the contestant should submit a declaration regarding the originality of the work and transferring of copyrights to the organizers.
4. Each contestant can make one entry for the Category given by the Organizers.
5. The contestants shall submit their photos along with application and Copyright form to fol.lawfest@ifheindia.org on/before March 12th, 2017.
6. The file size of the photographs must be more than 1536 x 1024 pixels in JPEG format.
7. The entries will be scrutinized and put before the Jury Panel for final selection of participants and the same would be communicated to them in mail by March 15th 2017.
8. The Selected Participants shall inform their confirmation of participation in the Competition by March 18th 2017, by mail.
9. For awarding the Prize, the organizers will conduct Onsight Photography, the theme for the second and final round of photography competition will be given on the spot.
10. On the Event day of the Competition, the Participant shall come along with their own camera. The photographs will be displayed in the Photo Gallery at ICFAI Law School (ILS) Hyderabad during the Law Fest.
11. Jury Panel decision is Final for awarding Prize.

This post was last modified on February 23, 2021 5:06 PM

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