IFHE India Lex-Knot Vox Populi 2017 Asian Parliamentary Debate Competition : ifheindia.org

Organisation : The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education IFHE
Competition Name : Lex-Knot Vox Populi 2017 Asian Parliamentary Debate Competition
Event Dates : March 30 to April 2, 2017

Website : http://www.ifheindia.org/
Registration Form : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/2098-Dak%20No.58.pdf
Competition Rules : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/20981-APD.pdf

Asian Parliamentary Debate Competition:

The 2nd annual Vox Populi 2017 will follow the Asian parliamentary style of debating governed by the following rules, regulations, and guidelines.

Related : IFHE India Lex Knot 2017 Essay Writing Competition : www.contest.net.in/20955.html

Number of participants: Four in a team

** First Prize- Rs 20,000/-
** Second Prize- Rs 10,000/-
** Best Adjudicator- Rs 5,000/-
** Best Debater- Rs 5,000/-

General Rules and format of the competition:
** Each debating match will consist of two teams; one to propose the motion and one to oppose it. The team proposing may be known as „The Proposition** or „The Government** . The team opposing may be known as „The Opposition** . Teams will be designated as the Proposition or the Opposition for each round of the competition.
** Each debate shall be adjudicated upon by a panel comprising of an odd number of adjudicators who shall be the participants of the competition.
** Each debate shall be timed by a timekeeper. In the absence of a timekeeper, a member of the adjudication panel will time the speeches.
** Teams will comprise the following members.

1. The Government or The Proposition will consist of:
a. Prime Minister
b. Deputy Prime Minister,
c. Government Whip,

2. The Opposition team will consist of:
a. Leader of the Opposition,
b. Deputy Leader of the Opposition,
c. Opposition Whip.

The order of the speech and the basic structure of the speech is as follows:
i. Prime Minister: The Prime Minister Defines the topic, identifies issues which will be in contention, team structure, team split and present his arguments.
ii. Leader of Opposition: identify major areas of disagreement with the proposition case, any disagreement about the definition, rebut the major arguments put forth by the Prime Minister.
iii. Deputy Prime Minister: rebut major arguments, identify the major areas of disagreement with the other team.
iv. Deputy Leader of Opposition: defend own case against rebuttal by previous speaker, present arguments allocated to the second speaker.
v. Government Whip: present an overview of the debate, identify the essential issues upon which the teams disagree and summarize own case.
vi. Opposition Whip: same as that of Government Whip.
vii. Opposition reply
viii. Government reply

** The motions for each round will reflect a specific and well-known theme. There will be 3 motions released and 1 motion is to be chosen for the debating purpose.
** On release of the motions, both teams will rank the motions on the basis of their preferences. The third option of both teams is immediately dropped.
** Preparation: before the topic is announced, debaters will already know whether they will be proposing or opposing the motion. From the time of announcement of the motion, teams will have 20 mins preparation time until commencement of the debate in that round.
** Teams must prepare on their own.
** Once motions have been released, there must be no contact between debaters in a particular team , trainers, friends, observers or any other individual for the purposes of assistance in the context of the debate. Such contact and assistance is deemed as „cheating.
** Teams should arrive at their debate venue 2 minutes before the scheduled starting time for that debate.

This post was last modified on February 23, 2021 5:06 PM

Categories: Elocution/Debate
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