HBCSE TIFR PRMO 2017-18 Mathematical Olympiad

Organisation : Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) TIFR
Olympiad Name : PRMO 2017-18 Mathematical Olympiads
Applicable For : Class XI Students
Registration Last Date : June 10 & June 30th (With fee of Rs. 200)
Exam Date : August 20, 2017

Website : http://olympiads.hbcse.tifr.res.in/?p=1447

Mathematical Olympiads :

The National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) which is in charge of the mathematical olympiad activity, has entrusted its implementation to the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) to be carried out in coordination with the MO-Cell and the National Coordinator appointed by NBHM, supervised by a Committee constituted by NBHM.

Related : HBCSE TIFR RMO 2016-17 Regional Mathematical Olympiad : www.contest.net.in/14985.html

All major policy decisions with regard to the Mathematical Olympiads programme are made with the concurrence of NBHM. The following MAJOR changes are announced this year.

A pre-Regional Mathematical Olympiad (PRMO) exam will be held on August 20, 2017 at different centres all over India. In order to be eligible for the RMO it is mandatory that students qualify through this centrally administered PRMO.

No other independently administered examinations will be recognized from this year onwards.

All Indian students who are born on or after August 1, 1998 and, in addition, are in Class XI or below are eligible to appear for the PRMO 2017.

Exam Rules:
** The PRMO will be a machine-correctable test of 30 questions. Each question has an answer which is a number with one or two digits.
** Sample questions will be put up on this site for the aid of students.
** The pre-RMO exam will be organized this year by IAPT, the same association that also organizes the National Standards Examination, which is the first step for participation in the International Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy and Junior Science olympiads.
** The website for PRMO will shortly be available at https://www.iapt.org.in/
** A portal will be opened where schools can register as centres; this portal will be open from May 20 to June 10. Any school with at least 20 registrations can register as a centre.
** However, the final list of approved centres will be issued by IAPT. Students who opt for a given school as centre may be re-assigned to another nearby centre.
** Students can register online by choosing one of the approved centres by June 30th for a fee of Rs. 200.
** Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has made its schools available as centres free of cost; for KV students there is a provision to register with payment of a fee of Rs. 100.
** A carbon copy of the answersheet (OMR) will be given to the student after the exam; students can check their answers as against the answers which will be uploaded on the HBCSE website.
** The top 300 students from each region will be eligible to write the Regional Mathematics Olympiad exam.
** For the KV, CBSE, JNV schools which have a countrywide coverage, the number to be selected is upto 5 per cent of the number of registrations or 300.
** Each regional co-ordinator (including the co-ordinators for the groups KV, CBSE and JNV) will receive the list of students eligible to write RMO by September 15th.
** Each Regional Co-ordinator shall conduct the RMO in her/his region on October 8th, 2017.
** Based on the RMO exam, the final list of 30 top students plus the next 5 girl students will be sent by each regional co-ordinator to HBCSE by November 30.
** This should be done after completing re-evaluation (provision for which is mandatory).
** HBCSE will announce the INMO list from all regions by December 7th.
** The INMO exam will be held on the 3rd Sunday of January and will be conducted by each regional co-ordinator and the papers sent to HBCSE.
** The regional co-ordinators will be sent brochures/posters and will be requested to advertise the information on their webpages or homepages.
** As there are major changes, students will be unaware of these and the support of Regional co-ordinators in this regard is crucial.
** This is a preliminary announcement and more details will be announced and communicated to all regional co-ordinators in the next few days.
** Regional co-ordinators are requested to circulate the announcement and the weblink widely.

A webpage will be opened shortly in HBCSE to address queries. Queries may be sent by email to prmo@hbcse.tifr.res.in. Queries will not be replied to individually, but via a FAQ posted on the website.

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 5:06 PM

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