Jagranjosh Current Affairs Guru Contest

Organisation : Jagranjosh
Contest Name : Jagranjosh Current Affairs Guru Contest

Website : http://www.jagranjosh.com/current-affairs-guru-contest-st-1389175481
Participate Here : https://www.jagranjosh.com/

Current Affairs Guru Contest :

Jagranjosh Current Affairs Guru Contest

Related : Jagran Josh Engineering Champion Competition : www.contest.net.in/10820.html

Contest Highlights :
1. Current Affairs Guru (CAG) is a discussion based contest on My Josh – Current Affairs Group
2. To participate , it is mandatory to register on My Josh & thereafter joining Current Affairs Group
3. Discussion will be posted under “Current Affairs Guru” profile, highlighted on the top of your My Josh wall.
4. You are required to reply within 500 words only.
5. You can enter multiple (more than one) reply for every discussion

Evaluation Criteria :
1. Out of replies made by participants under each discussion posted by CAG , a “Best Reply” will be selected
2. There can be multiple winners for one discussion.
3. Decision will be made by Current Affairs Guru (CAG) and shall be final & binding to all the particpants.
4. Once the “Best Reply” for a discussion is chosen, any further reply to the discussion will not be considered for any reward.
5. Winner/s will be declared only after Current Affairs Guru (CAG) selects the “Best Reply”.
6. Every “Best Reply” will get rewards like CCD Vochures and other gifts.
7. Only original & unique reply will be considered for the evaluation.

Other important points :
1. Rewards will be non-transferrable & non-redeemable.
2. Rewards will be sent through the registered post / speed post / courier to the address given by the winners during the campaign.
3. Any above Terms & Conditions are subject to change at any point of time with/without any prior notice to the participants.

All the Best !!!

This post was last modified on December 30, 2022 4:38 PM

Categories: Competition Exam
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