Tarla Dalal Unusual Chawal Recipes Contest 2017 : tarladalal.com

Organisation : Tarla Dalal
Contest Name : Unusual Chawal Recipes Contest 2017
Contest Last Date : 15th Jun 2017
Website : http://www.tarladalal.com/recipe_contest.aspx

Recipe Contest :

Unusual Chawal Recipes Recipes that are quick and easy and also different at the same time are loved by one and all.

Related : Tarla Dalal Summer Coolers Recipe Contest 2017 : www.contest.net.in/21812.html

All it takes is a little bit of creativity to convert everyday fare into exotic treats, which are sure to surprise your guests and enthrall your own taste buds!

Stretch your imagination a wee bit, and try combining ingredients that are easy to buy and to make a dessert which is ready within minutes. .

So use your creative cooking minds and think and cook up some interesting out of the box recipes and send in your entries to us. Winners shall win the latest edition of “Chawal ”

Submit your entries to the contest :
Do you want to participate in the contest and win exciting prizes. You need to be logged in to submit your entries.

Contest Rules :
** Submissions must be original
** Tarladalal.com reserves the right to use the recipes sent to us by the contestants.
** Winners would be selected by a panel of cooks headed by Tarla Dalal. The decision arrived at by the panel would be final and not open to debate by the contestants.
** Each month’s winner names would be announced at this site along with the announcement of the new contest.
** Every participant can send more than one recipe for the contest.
** The recipe should be preferably for four persons.
** Each recipe should contain, right quantities for each ingredient, their purpose (oil for greasing or flour for dusting) and the process of making the dish in detail.
** Submission may be modified anytime before contest closes

Recipe Contest : Noodle Recipes
Contest closes 04 Aug 2017

So all you people with a great cooking passion, send us your favourite noodle recipe that you make that is unique, tasty and loved by your family and friends. Everyone loves to show off their cooking skills at a party and woo the guests with different dishes everytime.

So, what are you all waiting for Get all charged up and send us your creative ideas and recipes now and win a cookbook on “Noodles”

Do you want to participate in the contest and win exciting prizes. You need to be logged in to submit your entries. Click here to login and return to this page.

Contest Rules :
** Submissions must be original
** Tarladalal.com reserves the right to use the recipes sent to us by the contestants.
** Winners would be selected by a panel of cooks headed by Tarla Dalal. The decision arrived at by the panel would be final and not open to debate by the contestants.
** Each month’s winner names would be announced at this site along with the announcement of the new contest.
** Every participant can send more than one recipe for the contest.
** The recipe should be preferably for four persons.
** Each recipe should contain, right quantities for each ingredient, their purpose (oil for greasing or flour for dusting) and the process of making the dish in detail.
** Submission may be modified anytime before contest closes

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 12:42 PM

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