hpforest.nic.in State Level Painting, Slogan & Essay Writing Contest 2015 : Himachal Pradesh Forest Department

Organisation : Himachal Pradesh Forest Department
Announcement : State Level Painting, Slogan and Essay Writing Contest 2015

Notification : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/2531-File-98.pdf
Home Page : http://hpforest.gov.in/

State Level Painting, Slogan and Essay Writing Contest on the occasion of Wildlife Week- 2015

Wildlife Wing of Himachal Pradesh Forest Department is celebrating Wildlife Week 2015 during first week of October, 2015. On this occasion, a State Level Painting Contest for primary (1st to 5th class students), Slogan Contest for Middle (6th to 8th class students) and Essay writing Contest for Higher section (9th to 12th class students) of Himachal Pradesh shall be held. Theme for the contest is:

Scope of Tourism in Wildlife Areas :
1. Painting contest (only for Primary section).
2. Slogan contest (both in Hindi and English) (only for Middle section).
3. Essay writing contest (both in Hindi and English) (only for Higher section).

All the School Headmasters/Principals are requested to arrange the competition at their own level during 1st to 7thOct 2015 in school and submit the best two entries duly verified by the Headmaster/Principal in each category to the Assistant Conservator of Forests, O/o Chief Conservator of Forests, Wildlife (South) Mist Chamber, Khalini, Shimla-171002 on or before 9th October, 2015 (5.00 PM) by post or by hand.

Entries shall be evaluated by an expert panel of Judges. There shall be three Prizes under each category. First, second and third Prizes shall comprise of cash award of Rs. 2500, Rs.1500 and Rs.1000 respectively under each category. The certificates and Prizes shall be awarded to the winners in the State Level Wildlife Week Closing Ceremony likely to be held during 2nd week of October, 2015 at Shimla.

Note: The prizes will be awarded for both Hindi and English language separately in Slogan and Essay writing.

Instructions to be followed by the Participants :
** There is no entry fee.
** The entries on aforesaid theme only shall be eligible.
** This competition is open to students of 1st to 12th Class (Category wise as mentioned above) studying in any School in Himachal Pradesh.
** Only the entries submitted through Headmaster/Principal of the school will be accepted.
** Painting should be done on drawing sheet size (12 inches x 15 inches).
** Slogan and Essay Writing entries can be either in Hindi or English language.
** Word limit for Essay writing is between 800 to 1000 words.
** Entrants can submit only one entry under each category of this contest.
** The Wildlife Wing shall have right to display! exhibit the entries received.
** Entries should be submitted in a sealed envelope. Category of the contest should be properly mentioned on envelope.
** The last date of receiving entries is 9th October, 2015 (5.00 PM) by post or by hand.

The entrants should invariably mention their name, complete address, name of their school, Class in which studying and contact Number (Landline No. & Mobile No.) on the back side of their Painting, Slogan or the Essay. The date of closing ceremony and distribution of Awards shall be intimated on phone to the Prize winning entrants.

This post was last modified on December 31, 2022 11:47 AM

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