typoday.in Typography Day 2016 Poster Design Competition Bangalore : Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology

Organization : Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology
Competition Name : Typography Day 2016 Poster Design Competition
Institute Location : Bangalore
Competition Last Date : 31st October 2015

Website : http://www.typoday.in/poster.html
Online Poster Submission: http://www.idc.iitb.ac.in/events/typoday16/submissions/poster_submission/poster_submission.php

Typography Day 2016 Poster Design Competition :
‘Experimental Typography’

Design a poster Exploring and Experimenting with Typography.

You can use:
** The Language, Script and Typeface of your choice. You can make use of one letter, one word, many words or even a paragraph composed of words.
** Calligraphic or digitally created letterforms or existing fonts, or a combination of these can be used for the poster.

The resulting poster should be of the size and specification given below:
This competition is open to students, faculty and professionals. The competition is open to all – non resident Indians, as well as foreign citizens can take part in it.

Procedure for selecting student participants:
Twenty five winning entries will be published and displayed in an exhibition during the event. The winners are entitled to free participation (workshop expenses and food) during the ‘Typography Seminar and Workshop’ on 25th, 26th and 27th of February 2016.

Submission Specifications:
You need to submit the solution along with a brief write-up of around 150 words.

Size of the final poster:420mm x 600mm only in portrait format
Resolution: 300 dpi
File type: JPEG or PDF
Color Mode: CMYK

Write-up + contact Info+Bio:
Format: in RTF, TXT or PDF format
Write up about the design: Maximum 150 words and should be written in English
Contact Info: Name, Postal Address, Email, Telephone number, Name and Address of Institution in English.
Your Bio-data/Personal Information: Maximum of 100 words and should be written in English.

Last Date for submission: 31st October 2015
Declaration of results: 30th November 2015

Each participant is allowed a maximum of three entries. (please don’t send same poster repeatedly)

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us: typographyday@gmail.com

This post was last modified on July 12, 2021 3:18 PM

Tags: typoday.in
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