QuizWin PowerPlay Indian Music Quiz Goldfish Season 17 Contest 2017

Organisation : PowerPlay Quiz
Contest Name : PowerPlay Indian Music Quiz Goldfish Season 17 Contest
Contest Last Date : Aug 31, 2017
Website : quizwin.mobi/goldfish/home?tkid=PAYT_GLDFSHALLCON_HOME_ONE9_BAN_DEFA

Indian Music Quiz Goldfish Contest:

Campaign Period – From Aug 25, 2017 00:30:00 hours to Aug 31, 2017 23:59:59 hours as per following table

Related :  QuizWin PowerPlay Quiz Spelling Bee Dolphins 2017 : www.contest.net.in/21680.html

Contest Terms & Conditions :
1. Unconditional Approval/Acceptance:
1.1. The Participant is aware that answers submitted on the WAP portal and sent by the Participant may not be received by PowerPlay Quiz instantly due to various factors outside the control of PowerPlay Quiz such as Network failure, system failure etc.

1.2. The time at which the Participant answered through click on WAP portal from his/her handset will not be considered even if it is earlier. (Example – Participant sent answer at 14:00 hrs. but it was received by PowerPlay Quiz only at 15:00 hrs. PowerPlay Quiz will consider the time as 15:00 hrs only).

1.3. The Participant undertakes not to dispute/challenge the delay caused in receiving the answer through WAP by PowerPlay Quiz due to network failure, system failure, etc., which are beyond the control of PowerPlay Quiz.

1.4. The Winner must have a valid Paytm KYC verified account. If the Paytm account is not KYC verified, the Winner must submit documents for KYC and get his/her account KYC verified. The list of the Winner(s) of the gratification will be published on the Website https://web.archive.org/web/20181020014029/http://powerplay.today:80/winners

1.5. He/she must be registered Paytm User of the mobile number through which he/she attempted to play the Campaign and was chosen as the Winner(s) under this Campaign. The participant must have Paytm account on his/her own name through which he/she is buying packs/questions.

2. Charging:
To participate in/register for the Campaign, the Participants have to

2.1. Buy question packs available on the PowerPlay Quiz portal to participate in the Campaign by following the below mentioned steps:

a. Click/Type PowerPlay Quiz URL goo.gl/dOVnuO) on his/her mobile phone/laptop/desktop.
b. After clicking/typing on the above mentioned URL, he/she will be redirected to Quiz portal (Home page).
c. Login with your Paytm account credentials.
d. Purchase the question pack to start participating.
e. After successful purchase of question pack, he/she will be redirected to question page and shall be able to answer the questions.

2.2. A pack received/bought by a Participant will be valid for that Participant only. Pack bought from PowerPlay Quiz during the Campaign Period shall be redeemed by participant during the Campaign Period only and it shall not be carried forwarded to any further Campaign or offer run by PowerPlay Quiz.

3. Point System:
3.1. For every right answer, Participants will get 10 Point.
3.2. There will be no negative marking.

4. Winner Selection Criteria:
4.1 Bumper Prize Winner: Winner(s) selection shall be done based on the following criteria:
a) Winners will be selected on the basis of points scored in every pack.
b) A participant can play the contest multiple times and can make multiple entries to win prizes for different or same prize slab.
c) For every pack purchased by each participant where score is either of 200, 190 or 180 points, an entry will be made to respective prize slab.
d) Prize amount for a particular prize slab (as mentioned in clause 5.1) will be equally distributed among all valid entries made to that prize slab.
e) A participant is allowed to buy the next pack only after playing/attempting all questions of existing pack.
f) It is the sole discretion of PowerPlay Quiz, and Participants cannot challenge or dispute any decision taken by PowerPlay Quiz for choosing a Winner.
g) Same participant can win the Prize more than once in the Campaign for same or different prize slabs.

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 1:23 PM

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