English Emperor National English Olympiad 2017 NEO : englishemperor.com

Organisation : English Emperor
Olympiad Name : National English Olympiad 2017 (NEO 17)
Registration: englishemperor.com
Terms & Conditions : englishemperor.com
Website : englishemperor.com

National English Olympiad :

The ‘National English Olympiad (NEO)’ by ‘English Emperor’ is an attempt to not only locate the best talent in the country when it comes to the English language, it is supposed to be a measuring stick for students to assess where they stand in comparison to other students in the country to give themselves, their parents, and their teachers a chance to focus on problem areas and improve upon them to move ahead of the competition.

Related : Thinkcell IEO 2016-17 Indian Engineering Olympiad : www.contest.net.in/19268.html

The Olympiad would be held in multiple categories so that the students are compared with other students from the same level and a proper ranking is obtained for assessment purposes. The test would comprise of a wide range of questions that would evaluate the students on various parameters.

Students would be given a ‘Ranking Certificate’ that would state their national rank among all the students that would appear for the test in their respective category.

Olympiad 2017 would be held on 19th November 2017. Register quickly to procure preparatory material and prepare.
Category 1 Classes 5th and 6th
Category 2 Classes 7th and 8th
Category 3 Classes 9th and 10th
Category 4 Classes 11th and 12th

Register :
The registration charges for the Olympiad are Rs. 300

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) :
What does a student gain by participating in the Olympiad?

All the participants of the Olympiad would be provided an All-India Rank (AIR) on basis of the marks obtained by them in the test. A ‘Rank Certificate’ would be provided to the students as a proof. This certificate would be an excellent addition to a student’s resume while applying for admission into good institutes after 12th.

The AIR would also let the students know their standing against students of the same grade from all over the country. For an even better understanding, we would be providing rankings on state and city levels as well.

We would provide each student with a ‘Performance Analysis Report (PAR)’, which would provide the student details of his strong and weak areas and suggestions about what can the student do to improve his English Language skills.

Other than these obvious gains, the students would be rewarded as per their rankings. Check the Rewards’ Section for more details. The awards would be handed over to the top-rankers in a grand ‘Prize Distribution Ceremony’ to be held in New Delhi.

What is the eligibility to appear in the Olympiad?

Students from Classes 5th to 12th are eligible to appear in the Olympiad. Students should register for their respective category as given below:
Category 1: Grades 5th and 6th
Category 2: Grades 7th and 8th
Category 3: Grades 9th and 10th
Category 4: Grades 11th and 12th
Though we do not recommend it but if a student from a lower category wants to appear in the test for a higher category, he may do so. Students from a higher category cannot appear in a lower category though.

What is the date of the Olympiad? And, the location?

The Olympiad would be held on 19th Nov. ’17. The test would be held at a central location and the students would be apprised about the same at least one week before the test. We make sure that the participants do not have to waste time and energy in traveling. To ensure that, we give every student a test center as close to their house as possible.

Further, to make the test accessible to students who are not from any major city, we have made certain special arrangements so that no one has any problem in appearing in the exam. Details of such arrangements would be made available to individual students closer to the date of the exam.

Is it necessary to register through one’s school?

No, any student can enrol for the test through our website. When a student appears through his/her school, the school gains bonus points towards additional ‘Institutional Ranking Points’, a national ranking system developed by English Emperor for schools.

Is there any study material that a student may use to prepare for the Olympiad?

Yes. We would release various e-books for the purpose on our website in the first week of August. Students would be able to place orders for the same online and would receive the e-books by email within 3 days.

What would be the duration of the test?

The duration of the test would be two hours and it would commence exactly at 10 AM. The test would end at 12 Noon. Thus, the students would get exactly two hours to answer 100 questions.

When would the results be declared?

English Emperor would make all efforts to declare the results within 12 weeks from the date of the test.

Can my school get involved with the Olympiad?

Yes. Every school in the country can become associated with the Olympiad by being a ‘Partner Institution’ and referring its students to sign up to participate in the Olympiad.

What would my school gain by being a Partner Institution for the Olympiad?

Every school that partners for the Olympiad would enhance its prospects of a higher ranking in the All-India Rankings for schools. These rankings would be compiled on the basis of the performance of students of a school in the Olympiad.

Since Partner Institutions would be sending in more students to appear in the Olympiad, they would be in an advantageous position over other institutions and would end up ranking higher.

What would my school have to do as a Partner Institution?
The school would simply have to refer students to take part in the Olympiad. Partner Institutions that would be interested to be the designated test centers would receive an additional facilitation fee for the purpose.

My school wants to be a participating institution in the Olympiad. How should we contact English Emperor for the purpose?
Kindly contact us by completing the contact form given on the ‘Contact Us’ page.

Syllabus for the test :
Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuation;
Vocabulary, Spellings, Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies, Idioms, Homonyms and homophones;
Tenses, Modals, Determiners, Active-Passive Voice, Direct/Indirect Speech;
Conditionals, Collocations, Phrasal verbs, Prepositional Phrases, Participle Phrases;
Jumbled Sentences, Similes, Metaphors.

This post was last modified on July 10, 2021 1:09 PM

Categories: Olympiad

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