Spice Digital BSNL Festival Bonanza Contest 2017 : spicedigital.in

Organisation : Spice Digital Limited & BSNL
Contest Name : BSNL Festival Bonanza Contest 2017
Applicable For : Prepaid & Postpaid Subscribers of BSNL
Applicable States/Circles : BSNL West Zone Telecom Circles
Contest Last Date : 13/12/2017
Website : https://digispice.com/

BSNL Festival Bonanza Contest :

The Festival Bonanza Contest (Hereinafter referred to as “Offer”) is conceptualized, sponsored, organized and administered by Spice Digital Limited in association with Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

Related : Spice Digital BSNL Monsoon Cash Ki Baarish Contest 2017 : www.contest.net.in/27397.html

SDL and BSNL shall hereinafter be jointly referred to as ‘Organisers’.

Terms & Conditions (T&C):
This Offer is made purely on a “best effort” basis and participation is voluntary for the eligible Subscribers of Festival Bonanza Contest (the “Service”). SDL in association with BSNL reserves the right to participation in the Offer.

Offer Period:
This Offer is open for WEST Zone subscribers for a limited period of 90 days only with effect from 14/09/2017 at 00:00:01 hrs till 13/12/2017 at 23:59:59 hrs (“Offer Period”).

Eligibility Criteria:
The Offer is open for all active pre-paid & post-paid categories of mobile subscribers of BSNL, who subscribe to service in BSNL WEST ZONE telecom circles (the “Subscribers”).

In order to be eligible for this Offer, a Subscriber/participant must fulfill the following criteria :
** He/She should be above 18 years of age.
** He/She must be citizen of India.
** He/She must not have any criminal record nor should be of an unsound mind.
** He/She must not be restrained by any law of the land (e.g. – any court order(s) etc.).
** He/She must be either an active existing or new subscriber of Service during the Offer Period.
** He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court order etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.
** If at the time of the declaration of the result of the gratification under this Offer, the Subscriber has ported out of the network of BSNL, he/she will not be eligible to and entitled to get any gratification under the Offer.

** This Offer is not available to the following Subscribers of BSNL and they shall not be eligible to participate in this Offer.
** The Subscribers being the employees of the Organisers and of their group companies, Affiliate or associate companies.
** If the Highest Scorer is not able to provide sufficient evidence to show that he/she is the Subscriber of the mobile number, the Organisers reserve the right to award the gratification to the next eligible Highest Scorer or to forfeit the gratification, at its sole discretion.
** The Subscriber whose residential address is same as that of a Subscriber who is eligible for any gratification as per terms and conditions of this Offer, shall not be entitled to a gratification worth Rs. 10,000/- and above.
** However, this condition shall not apply to the Subscribers who are eligible for Surprise Day Gratification.
** Further, if there are multiple MSISDNs belonging to the same person, the MSISDN who gets the highest score among the said multiple MSISDNs shall only be eligible for any gratifications under the terms and conditions of this Offer.
** Surprise Day here shall mean 2nd and last Saturday of each month during the Offer, as determined by the Organisers at their sole discretion, on which Subscriber shall be selected to be eligible for the Surprise Day Gratification by the Organisers.

Applicable Charges :
** This service is available Rs.5/- minute Pay per Use (PPU) modal
** No Subscription charges are applicable for the Services.
** In the event that a BSNL prepaid subscriber does not have minimum balance in his/her balance, the system will not allow the customer to use the service.

Offer On Voice :
** The Offer will be available on 5630091 on Voice, for Rs.5/- minute Pay per Use (PPU) modal
** Subscribers will be informed about the participation charges for the Offer, gratification and Terms and Conditions URL, when they call the number 5630091 to participate in the Offer.
** No Subscription charges other than the charges as mentioned above in clause 3.3 (a) are applicable for the Services.
** The Subscriber/Participant shall register for Offer by dialling the 5630091 SC.
** The Offer will be available in Hindi, English, languages transcript in English.
** Subscriber /Participant shall be informed on the correct/incorrect answer post every attempt.
** The Subscriber/Participant will be pushed the total score of the day on every first attempt each day.
** Organisers will send 3 engagement SMS everyday to Subscriber
** The Offer consists of unlimited skill/knowledge based questions with four answer options for each question.
** The Subscribers may play these questions anytime during the Offer Period.
** The Subscribers may press 1 for option 1 or press 2 for option 2 and so on on their phone keypad to answer each question of the Offer.
** All questions are in multiple choice format and the answer to each must be selected from one of the 4 options only.
** The questions under the Offer shall be based on information available to the public at large.
** For every right answer the Subscriber will get 10 point. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.
** However, for every right answer given during Happy Hours, participant will get 20 points. However, for every right answer given during the Happy Hours and Happy Days, participant will get 20 points.
** Happy Hour: There will be a particular period of hours i.e., 5 pm to 9 pm from Monday to Friday, designated as happy hours (“Happy Hours”), during which the User will get double points for every correct answer, i.e., 20 points for each right answer.
** Happy Days: : Every Saturday and Sunday during the Offer Period are designated as happy days (“Happy Days”), during which the Subscriber will get double points for every correct answer, i.e., 20 points for each right answer.
** After every answer, the Subscriber will be played an appropriate response and given the next question and answer options.

This post was last modified on December 30, 2022 3:25 PM

Categories: BSNL
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