RMLNLU SSC International Media Law Moot Court Competition 2018 : rmlscconlinemoot.in

Organization : Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University
Competition Name : International Media Law Moot Court Competition 2018
Applicable For : Students of three or five year courses of the LL.B. degree
Competition Last Date : December 5, 2017

Website : http://rmlscconlinemoot.com/
Terms & Conditions : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/28386-MootRules.pdf

Media Law Moot Court Competition :

1. Definitions :
1.1 “Competition” means the 6th RMLNLU International Media Law Moot Court Competition, 2018.

Related : MSRCL 7th M. S. Ramaiah Memorial National Moot Court Competition : www.contest.net.in/24396.html

1.2 “Court Bailiff” refers to the student volunteer who shall be entrusted with duties such as maintenance of order in a courtroom during a round and letting speakers know the time duration for which they’ve spoken.

2. Team Composition And Eligibility :
2.1 Students pursuing the three or five year courses of the LL.B. degree or its equivalent in the academic year 2017 – 2018 from any recognized law school/college/university in India/abroad are eligible to participate.

2.2 Any recognized law school/college/university shall be entitled to send only 1 (one) team to the Competition.

2.3 The participating team shall comprise a minimum of two and a maximum of threemembers. In a team of two members, both the members shall be designated as Speakers. In a team of three members, two members shall be designated as Speakers and the third member of the team shall be designated as a Researcher.
2.4 No additional member or team coach is allowed to accompany the team.

3. Language :
3.1 The official language of the competition shall be English.

4. Registration :
4.1 The Institutions should provisionally register themselves by sending an e-mail to rmlscconlinemoot AT gmail.com, latest by November 10, 2017 (23:59 hrs IST).
4.2 Institutions must complete their registration by sending an e-mail to rmlscconlinemoot AT gmail.com, latest by December 5, 2017 (23:59 hrs IST). The e-mail should include a scanned copy of the duly filled registration form.

5. Registration Fee :
5.1 Indian Universities :
The Registration Fee is INR 4000 for Indian teams. Indian teams must make the payment of such amount through the “State Bank Collect” multi-modal payment portal. [For Details see Annexure]

5.2 Foreign Universities :
All teams from nations in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) shall pay an equivalent sum of INR 8000 (excluding service/conversion charges, if any). All other foreign teams shall pay an equivalent sum of INR 15000 (excluding service/conversion charges, if any) [For Details see Annexure]

5.3 In case of a memo knockout, the teams shall be required to pay the registration fee only after they have cleared the memo knockout round by February 10, 2018.

6. Clarifications To The Moot Proposition :
6.1 Participating teams may request for clarifications to the official moot problem by sending an email to rmlscconlinemoot AT gmail.com latest by December 5, 2017 (23:59 hrs IST).
6.2 A full list of clarifications shall be released by December 20, 2018.

7. Anonymity :
7.1 The participating team shall be allotted a team code upon registration.
7.2 The student counsels shall not state their names or the names of the institution to which they belong during the oral rounds, and instead must use the code allotted.

7.3 The team shall not disclose their identity anywhere in their written Memorials and instead should use the code allotted.
7.4 Non-compliance with the Rules 7.2 and 7.3 shall result in immediate disqualification of the participant/team.
7.5 The decision of the Organizing Committee in this regard shall be final.

8. Accommodation, Food And Transportation :
8.1 Accommodation shall be provided to all teams by the Organisers from the morning of March 9, 2018 to the evening of March 11, 2018. Teams who intend to arrive prior to or leave after the specified dates are required to inform the Organizing Committee in advance.

8.2 Food and Transportation to and from the venue shall be provided to all the teams for the aforementioned duration.
8.3 Teams should send their travel plan, as and when asked by the Organizing Committee, once the Payment Receipt has been submitted and the registration is completed.

This post was last modified on June 30, 2021 1:03 PM

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