DLF Emporio Design Awards 2017-18 : dlfemporio.com

Organisation : DLF Emporio Design Awards, 2017-18
Competition Name : DLF Emporio Design Awards 2017-18
Applicable For : At Least 18 Years Of Age And Below 30 Years Of Age To Apply
Competition Closing Date : 17th December, 2017.
Website : http://www.dlfemporio.com/
Apply Here : dlfemporio.com/Design-Awards-2017/form.asp
Terms & Conditions : dlfemporio.com/Design-Awards-2017/conditions.html

DLF Emporio Design Awards :

** Launched in 2012, the DLF Emporio Design Awards has been created to encourage and support young fashion designers. Each year, DLF Emporio recognizes and honors young, innovative and emerging talent in the field of fashion and design.

Related : Robotix Technology Society Mechanical Design Competition 2017 : www.contest.net.in/28694.html

** To give a quick background on the awards, DLF Emporio Design Awards 2016-17 winners, Anurag Gupta, Ishant Goyal and Sunil Chauhan were adjudged by a special jury consisting of stalwarts such as ace designer duo Shantanu & Nikhil, FDCI President Sunil Sethi, Harper’s Bazaar Bride India editor Nonita Kalra and Executive Vice President of Luxury Retail and Hospitality, Dinaz Madhukar.

To help them develop their creative work, DLF Emporio will give the three winners :
** A grand opportunity to retail their collection at DLF Emporio that houses more than 100 International and Indian luxury brands

** Dedicated coverage in the most coveted issue of DLF Emporio magazine- The Wedding Issue 2018
** Media coverage and promotions on DLF Emporio’s social media handles

Category : Apparel and Accessory
Theme : Flora and Fauna

Ways to interpret ‘Flora and Fauna’ – Designers can simply :
** Use fabrics that depict flora or fauna
** Use flora and fauna based motif.

** Create a garment that is inspired by the aesthetic of a particular bit of flora or fauna
** Combines flora and fauna with the exciting colours and broken lines of Fauvism, Futurism and Cubism

** Apparel designers should create contemporary and eclectic silhouettes. Accessory designers can use various elements of nature to not just create jewellery pieces but shoes, scarves, hair ornaments etc.

** All designers should create modern and unique pieces which will catch the eye of the judges.
** We encourage you to integrate the DLF Emporio logo in your design creations. Please Click the link for the logo

Selection Procedure :
** Interested candidates need to fill the participation form in Apply section along with their sketch/product shot/model image of their design with 100 word description.
** Entries close on 17th December, 2017.

** After pre jury round in December 2017, finalists will be given at least 30 days to physically make the shortlisted design entry which then has to be handed over to DLF Emporio.
** The final jury round will take place in Feb 2018 wherein a panel of industry experts will identify the top three winners.

DLF Emporio Design Awards, 2017-18 Participation Form :
** The theme for this year is Flora and Fauna. To know about the theme please click here.
** The applicant should be at least 18 years of age and below 30 years of age to apply for this competition
** The applicant should send not more than 1 design entry for this competition

** Design Entry could be a sketch/product shot/ model shot designed as per the theme this year.
** The applicant can apply in both apparel and accessory categories by sending separate entries

** Design entry uploaded should not exceed more than 15 MB in size and in the form of jpeg/pdf/png/tiff/doc/ppt format
** Its mandatory to send description of the design entry which should include the product description and inspiration taken behind the design in not more than 500 characters**

Terms & Conditions :
** This Design Awards will be held at DLF EMPORIO.

The Design Awards consists of following 3 stage competitions :
** Entry/Audition
** Short listing of the finalists
** Finale event i.e. Grand Finale to be held at DLF Emporio.

** DEL reserves the right to reject submission that it deems, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate/unsuitable for this competition, for any reason whatsoever.
** Participants are responsible for all costs of producing and shipping the entries.

** Participation in the competition confirms acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions governing this competition.
** The Participants short listed by DEL will present their work to a jury of experts from the fashion industry (“Empanelled Judges”).

** Participants are responsible for all travel and stay costs should they decide to personally attend.
** DEL will pay all costs for the onsite installations for the chosen designs/collections.
** The Empanelled Judges will announce the winners at the Grand Finale.

** In the event of any conflict or inconsistency regarding any instructions, rules and conditions on any advertising or promotional material relating to the competition, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail over all such other instructions, rules and conditions.

** DEL shall not be held liable for any copyright infringement or ownership disputes related to materials uploaded by Participants. Upon uploading materials, Participants retain all liability relating to said materials and attest that these are their original ideas.

Contact Us :
Location :
4, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi 110 070.
Phone: +91 11 4611 6666
Email: dlfemporio AT dlf.in

For any queries please contact :
Dhwani Tayal :
Phone: +91 9958382082
Email: tayal-dhwani AT dlf.in

Gayatri Arora :
Phone: +91 9873171734
Email: arora-gayatri AT dlf.in

This post was last modified on September 3, 2021 5:14 PM

Categories: Design/Logo
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