iwif.in Photography Contest 2015 : India Weaved In Frames

Organisation : India Weaved In Frames (IWIF)
Announcement : Photography Contest
Last Date : October 29, 2015

Home Page : http://iwif.in/photography-contests-2015/

Photography Contest :
Rules and Information :
1. India Weaved In Frames (IWIF) is a series of Photography Contests, each contest themed on every Indian state and one for all the Union Territories together.
2. You can join the contest by submitting a photograph showcasing a indigenous photograph like culture, tradition, heritage, landscape, festivals, people, arts, architecture, places, monuments, food, wildlife, or any other such things.
3. The submitted photograph must be original and taken solely by the contestant.
4. Photographers from across the globe of any age and skill level can enter the contest.
5. Each contestant can submit a maximum of five entries in total to states (contests) in any combination. For example, two entries to Kerala, one entry to Delhi, and two entries to Mizoram.
6. Entries submitted to any of the previous Immagine’s contests are not to be submitted for this contest series.
7. Contest entry fee is INR 100 (Rupees Hundred only) per entry. Like if you submit three entries, the entry fee would be INR 300 (Rupees Three hundred only).
8. Entry fee thus collected will be utilized for the exhibitions, awards, social cause, and the official and functional purpose of Immagine.
9. Entry to the Contest Series will be open from 15th August, 2015 to 29th October, 2015 and one can submit entries till 11:59 pm (2359 Hrs) on last day. We expect to announce the results within 40 – 50 days time period.

10. By registering at our website, the contestant grants us the non-commercial right to use the photograph for promotion of our organization in any media and also for the cause of humanity, as decided by the Managing Committee of Immagine.

11. Contestants should not violate privacy rights, copyright, and other rights of any person.
12. Editing to the original image shall be limited to minor cleaning work, levels, curves, color, saturation, contrast, and cropping; and the Judge(s) have the right to decide the measure of editing permissible other than the mentioned.
13. We may ask for the original in case of any doubts about the photograph or any other factor related to judging procedure. The contestant should send the soft copy within two days time period by email.
14. The Top Trios (top three images) selected from all contests will be featured in the Immagine exhibition held at Kerala Lalita Kala Art Gallery Center (Durbar Hall), Ernakulam, Kerala from 22nd to 26th January, 2016.
15. Contestant can visit this page to know details of the prizes offered to the Top Trios (One winner and two equally placed photographs) and the zenith winner (winner of winners).
16. Longer side of the image shall be of 1400 pixels (min) to 1600 pixels (max). The other side shall vary proportionally. The permissible image file formats are JPEG/JPG only and the file size should be less than 1 MB.
17. No text/information/watermark is permitted over the submitted image.

18. A contestant should have the image file, of size 24 inch @ 200 DPI (4800 pixels) minimum for longer side, with him and should be provided to us if asked for or if has qualified the second round of the judging process. Failing which the photograph will stand disqualified and be replaced with another appropriate entry decided by our judging panel.

19. Managing Committee of Immagine is the final authority to take decision in respect of anything and everything related to this contest series.

20. Immagine shall not be held responsible for non-performance and any obligation cast on them by these rules due to the occurrence of any Force Majeure Event including any act of God, civil commotion, natural calamity and any other happening, which the Organizers cannot reasonably prevent or control.

21. In case of withdrawal of the contest for any reasons or as decided by the Managing Committee of Immagine, the entry fee shall be reimbursed within 30 working days.
22. In any circumstances, what so ever, except the case mentioned above, the entry fee will not be refunded or reimbursed.
23. The tour package at special rates to the contestants is offered and fully managed by the Sanguine Holidays and they are the sole authority related to all matters concerned to the same.
24. If there is dispute of any kind, the decision of the Managing Committee of Immagine will be final and binding on all concerned. All disputes will be subject to Trivandrum jurisdiction.
25. The final rule is, “Respect the fellow contestants and accept the judging panel’s verdict

Register and submit your entries before 11: 59 pm (2359 Hrs) on October 29, 2015.

This post was last modified on June 22, 2022 3:20 PM

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