UPES III Techno Legal National Moot Court Competition 2018

Organisation : University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES)
Competition Name : III Techno Legal National Moot Court Competition
Registration Last Date : 20th February, 2018
Applicable For : Law Students
Website : https://www.upes.ac.in/
Terms & Conditions : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/32614-Moot-Court.pdf

UPES III Techno Legal National Moot Court Competition

The III Techno-Legal National Moot Court Competition aims at promoting skills of advocacy dealing with technical issues.

Related : UPES 3rd International Energy Law Judgment Writing Competition 2018 : www.contest.net.in/32040.html


i. Students enrolled in full time 3 years or 5 years law programs are eligible to compete in the competition. Each College/Institution/University may send maximum of one team.
ii. Eligibility for oral rounds shall be on the basis of selection of memorials.


i. The duly completed scanned copy of the competition’s registration form must be submitted online at ntlmccupes [AT] gmail.com on or before 5th February, 2018 and hard copy of their registration form shall reach by 20th February, 2018. The subject of the mail must be “Registration <Institution Name>”

ii. No change in the name of the participants shall be permitted after the receipt of the competition’s registration form. Under exceptional circumstances, the changes shall be allowed at the sole discretion of Administrator.

Such changes shall be allowed only if approved by the head of the participating Institution/College/University stating the reasons and the change shall be communicated on or before 30th January, 2018.

On completing the process of registration, a registration number shall be issued by the Society and communicated to the teams, which shall be used for any communication and submission of memorials till the team code is issued.

Submission Of Memorials

i. The teams must send the soft copy of the memorials at ntlmccupes [AT] gmail.com by 1st March, 2018 (11:59 pm), which must be a .pdf file extension with the subject of the email as memorials for “Memorial Submission- <Registration Code>”.

For eg.- “Memorial Submission- TLMCC-E” ii. The file name of the memorials shall be in the following format- <Team Code> <Side represented>. For eg. – “TLMMCC-E Respondent”

ii. Late Submissions : For every hour of delay in memorial submission beyond the prescribed time (11:59 pm IST, 1st March, 2018), 1 mark shall be deducted. Any Memorial submitted 15 hours after the time prescribed above (i.e. after 2:59 pm IST, 2nd March, 2018) will not be accepted.

Final Registration

i. The registration of the teams for the competition shall be strictly done on the basis of the merit of the memorials submitted by the participant. The shortlisted teams will be notified via email latest by 08th March, 2018.

ii. The short listed teams shall send duly completed travel plan (in soft copy) on or before 12th March, 2018 to the communication address mentioned in the rule book.
iii. The registration money of the teams not qualifying the memorial selection round shall be refunded within one months (max) of the notification of results.

iv. All the teams who have sent their complete registration form along with the transaction receipt shall arrive and verify the details in person at the Dehradun Kandoli Campus during verification.

v. Each team has to submit six (6) sets of memorials (bound & printed on both sides of A4 sheet) for each side at the time of verification at Dehradun Kandoli Campus specifying the team code allocated on each memorial.

Team Composition

i. Each team shall include two (2) speakers, who shall be accompanied by one (1) researcher all of whom shall be designated accordingly.
ii. Once the registration is complete the team composition must remain the same throughout the competition.
iii. The change in team composition is subjected to Clause 3(a) (ii).
iv. No observer is allowed to accompany any team.

Categories: Law College
Tags: upes.ac.in
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