CTDR Surana & Surana UILS International Essay Writing Competition 2018

Organisation : The Centre For Trade Laws And Dispute Resolution (CTDR)
Competition Name : Surana & Surana – UILS International Essay Writing Competition 2018
Contest Last Date : 25th April, 2018
Terms & Conditions https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/32990-essay.pdf
Website : http://uilsctdr.puchd.ac.in/

CTDR UILS International Essay Writing Competition

Surana & Surana – Uils International Essay Writing Competition On Corporate Laws Organized By The Centre For Trade Laws And Dispute Resolution (CTDR) at University Institute Of Legal Studies, Panjab University Chandigarh, India In Collaboration With Surana & Surana International Attorneys Chennai, India

Related : GNLU 3rd LexTech Essay Writing Competition 2018 : www.contest.net.in/32986.html

Eligibility Criteria

** The Competition is open to the students who are pursuing five year integrated Law Course/LL.B./LL.M./M.Phil./Ph.D. or any other Undergraduate or Master courses (other than Law) in any University across the World.
** Students of the Institute of Chartered Accounts of India, the Institute of Cost Accountant of India & the Institute of Company Secretaries of India are also eligible to participate. However, those who have completed either their Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant/Company Secretary degrees/courses are not eligible.
** The participants must also send a certificate from the Head of the Institution certifying that the candidate is a bonafide student of the University/College/Institute.

** If any Student of the UILS is positioned amongst the top three, he/she will not be eligible for the top three prizes but will be felicitated in recognition of his/her performance with a special prize by the Surana & Surana International Attorneys, Chennai at the Prize Distribution function.

Theme For The Essay

International Trade, Human Rights and Sustainable Development: An Entangled trinity necessary for a Nation’s Development

Sub Themes :
** International Trade, Human Rights and Sustainable Development: Reinventing ‘Development’.
** Role of WTO and UNCITRAL in achieving the UN’s SDGs in relation to international and domestic trade.
** Trade and Sustainability, relevance of Paris Climate Convention.
** Labor implications of trade liberalization and globalization in achieving a nation’s progress. Economic Interdependence vs. Economic Nationalism in the era of free international trade.
** Interlinking of rivers project, a viable alternative for the Indian Trade Industry?
** Dumping and its impact on competition through the lens of sustainable trade environment
** Agriculture and Global Food Security, ramifications in International Trade
The theme for the essay is kept broad in nature. The participants are allowed to take any particular sub-theme or can mold it keeping it intact with the central theme of the essay.

Guidelines For Submission

** The essay must be written in English only.
** Only one essay per participant may be submitted. Multiple or incomplete submissions lead to disqualification.
** Co-authorship to a maximum of two authors is permitted. In case of co- authorship, separate Registration Form must be filled for each author.
** The students who have made a solo entry and as a co-author also will be treated as multiple entries and it will lead to rejection of the second submission (The entry which is received first will be entertained).

** Only original essays will be considered for the competition. No part of it should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication in a contest elsewhere. Moreover, any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of essay. Neither UILS nor Surana & Surana International Attorneys, Chennai will be responsible for the act of plagiarism. Any Identification Mark in any part of the essay is liable to cancellation.

** Registration form is to be sent along with the essay. The registration form must be duly signed and sealed by the Head of Institution/University. (Available in download form on uilsctdr.puchd.ac.in website). In case of unavailability of the head of the institution any senior faculty may sign the same. Or you may send the scanned copy of your Identity Card.

Length Of The Essay

** The submission shall consist of an abstract, main text and bibliography.
** An abstract should not be more than 200 words inclusive of title and keywords.
** The essay should not be more than 2500-3000 words (excluding Footnotes and abstract).
** Footnotes must conform to the Standard Indian Legal Citation (SILC) format and must include a description of each authority adequate enough to allow a reasonable reader to identify and locate the authority in a publication of general circulation.

Format Requirement

Font size shall be 12 points in Times New Roman with 1.5 intercellular spaces for the main text and shall be 10 in Times New Roman with 1.0 intercellular spaces for the footnotes.

Electronic Submission

The participants should Email their papers to uilsctdr AT pu.ac.in with the following the attachments :
** Essay in MS Word/ PDF format with subject “Surana & Surana- UILS International Essay Writing Competition”
** Name of Author(s)
** Registration form
** Cover page containing name of participant, Nationality, address, e-mail- id, contact number and name of university/college/institute with address and course/class.


First Prize – INR 25,000/-
Second Prize – INR 15,000/-
Third Prize – INR 10,000/-
15 Consolation Prizes – INR 1,000/-

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