DIKSHA CBSE Aryabhata Ganit Challenge (AGC) 2020 : cbseacademic.nic.in

Organisation : Central Board of Secondary Education
Contest Name : Aryabhata Ganit Challenge (AGC) 2020
Applicable For : Students from class 8 to 10
Last Date : 25th November 2020
Website : https://cbseacademic.nic.in/

CBSE Aryabhata Ganit Challenge

As you are aware Aryabhata Ganit Challenge (AGC) was initiated by the Board to enhance mathematical abilities among students in the year 2019.

Related / Similar Contest : CBSE DIKSHA AGC 2021

In order to reach out to maximum students across the country, the Board will host the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge on DIKSHA platform this year.


Students from class 8 to 10 irrespective of the Board are eligible to participate in this challenge.

To access the challenge, a student needs to join the “Aryabhata Ganit Challenge – 2020” course on DIKSHA Platform through the link given below. Students can engage with a fun video on Algebra and reading material on Srinivas Ramanujan, one of India’s greatest Mathematicians.

Additionally, students can attempt the Aryabhata Ganit Practice set to build some confidence in answering real-life context problems before attempting the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge – 2020.

Steps For Students To Participate

1) You can access the course via DIKSHA portal on computer or via DIKSHA app on your Android mobile. iPhone users can access the quiz on any mobile browser. You must have the latest version of the DIKSHA App from Playstore to access the quiz. In case you already have the DIKSHA App then ensure that it is updated to the latest version by visiting Playstore.

2) Click these links to access the course in English and  Hindi. This will open the login page.

Enter Now :
In English : https://diksha.gov.in/

In Hindi : https://diksha.gov.in/

3) Enter your registered email address and password to login. If you do not have an account on DIKSHA then you can register for the same by clicking on the “Register here” button on the page. You can also sign in with an existing Google account by clicking on “Sign in with Google” button.

4) On reaching the “Aryabhata Ganit Challenge – 2020” course home page, please click on “Join Course” to register.

5) Once you have joined the course, you will be able to access different modules of this course.

You can either click on Start Learning or on any one of the modules to access the content:
(i) The first module provides Introduction to the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2020 course.
(ii) The second module includes a fun and engaging video on Algebra as well as some reading material on Srinivas Ramanjun, one of India’s greatest Mathematicians. This material has been developed by Vigyan Prasar, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India
(iii) The third module is the Aryabhata Ganit Practice Set where you can practice some fun and interesting Mathematics questions.
(iv) The fourth module is the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge – 2020.

Please note that no merit list shall be displayed or separate certificates will be issued to the participants. Participation certificates will be issued online after fourteen days on the DIKSHA platform itself upon 100% completion of the course.

Please ensure that students have their correct names in the DIKSHA profile. Students should have the latest version of DIKSHA App, or access to the DIKSHA website to receive certificates.

Challenge Period

This challenge shall be available on DIKSHA platform from 12th November 2020 to 25th November 2020.


For any clarification, please send an email to jsacademics.cbse@gmail.com

This post was last modified on March 2, 2022 12:45 PM

Categories: CBSE
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