Century Prowud Kitchen Of The Future Contest 2020 : centuryprowud.com

Organisation : Century Prowud
Contest Name : Kitchen Of The Future Contest 2020
Applicable For : Citizen of India
Last Date : 31.12.2020
Website : https://www.centuryprowud.com/contest/

Century Prowud Kitchen Of The Future Contest

Century Prowud Kitchen Of The Future Contest 2020 Participate & Win a Free Kitchen Makeover!

Related / Similar Contest : Century Prowud Mehnat Tumhari Table Humari Contest 2021

Who Can Participate?

** All Participants should be at least 18 years of age and citizen of India.
** Employees of the Company and members of the immediate family of any such persons are not eligible to participate and win.

Contest Period

The Contest begins on 1st of October, 2020 and will end at 23:59:59 on 31st December, 2020.

How to Participate?

** Participants need to post a picture of their Kitchen on our micro-site and tell us why they want us to upgrade their kitchen to the “Kitchen Of The Future”.

** Participants need to Like/Follow Century Prowud on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
** The winner will be announced soon after the contest ends.
** The contest starts on 1st of October, 2020 and will end on 31st of December, 2020

Selection of Winners & Gratification

** The contest is hosted on the Century Prowud Website (www.centuryprowud.com) , and will be supported/advertised by/on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages of Century Prowud

** There will be a committee formed by the Management of Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. that will choose winner/s based on the participant kitchen photographs & comments. Century Prowud will have complete discretion with respect to choice of the winners.

** The kitchen makeover is limited to only designing/making of the standard modular kitchen. The company will not provide any accessories required for a modular kitchen such as Gas Hobe, Chimney, kitchen sink, sink mixers or plumbing fittings etc.

In addition, the company will not supply material like wall or floor tiles or do any structural changes required to make the free modular kitchen.

Terms & Conditions

** By participating in this contest, a participant unconditionally and irrevocably accepts and agrees to be bound by all the terms and conditions stated herein. This contest is subject to the laws of India, and is not offered outside of India.

** Century Prowud may in its absolute discretion curtail or extend the duration period, as it deems necessary without any liability whatsoever.

** A person can participate in the contest as many times as possible during the duration of the contest however can win the prize only once.

** The decision of the organiser shall be final and the participants shall accept the decision as a binding one and shall in no event challenge the same.

** The participants agree to allow Century Prowud to make a video of the Kitchen Remodeling process or any other marketing activity related to the making of such kitchen.


** The winners will be declared by Century Prowud on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and via email for those who participate via emailers. The winner(s) will have to provide his/her contact details (email ID, contact number and complete postal address with PIN) to the Century Prowud social media handle/email ID within 3 days.

In the event of the winner failing to respond, Century Prowud will deem this event as a lapse in participation and shall be at liberty to forfeit the prize in its entirety or at its sole discretion, and offer the prize to the next winner.

The technical/manual records maintained with the organiser would be considered final for this purpose. Any failure to send these details to the satisfaction of the organisers at the provided email ID shall result in a lapse of participation in the promotion.

** Award of prizes is subject to the verification by the auditors. The organisers reserve the right to request the winners to provide proof of identity and Indian residency. Identification considered suitable for verification at the discretion of the organisers.

This post was last modified on May 11, 2021 10:57 AM

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