harvardindiainitiative.com Essay & Photo Competition 2015 : Harvard US-India Initiative

Organization : Harvard US-India Initiative
Competition Name : Essay & Photo Competition 2015
Country: India

Website : http://www.harvardindiainitiative.com/#!competitions/c1rlw

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IAOMR Essay Competition 2015 : www.contest.net.in/2607.html

Essay Competition:

At this point, we are soliciting essays written on any one panel topic of the applicant’s choice. [For panel topics and descriptions, please visit the conference website harvardindiainitia-tive.com or find summaries at the end of this document.]

Last Date : December 15, 2015

Essays will ideally explore the chosen panel topic in the context of current and historic devel-opments in India. Writers are free to choose whether to defend, protest, elaborate, or contest the topic of their choice. Selected essays will be published in the conference brochure and shall receive independent certificates of appreciation from the organizing board of the conference.

Essays will be judged on relevance, accuracy, and proficiency of prose. All essays must be be-tween 1000-1500 words, and may be accompanied with pictures that are duly credited to their original source. All factual claims in the essay must be accompanied with appropriate citations in any format of the writer’s choice. Any prosecution for illegal reproduction or distortion of facts will be the writer’s responsibility.

Essays must be in English.

Writers shall maintain their copyright, but HUII will maintain the right to publish any part or the entirety of the essay at its own discretion.

Submit to: usindiainitiative@gmail.com

Photo Competition:

At this point, we are soliciting entries for a photograph competition titled Faces of India. Winning entries will successfully display a unique face of India. We want to know what makes India unique for you. We leave the topic open to interpretation—the photograph can be of different people in India, of different places, or even of different works of art. The possibilities are end- less. All photographs must be accompanied with the applicant’s name, place and time of taking the picture, and any other information the applicant considers necessary.

Entries will be judged on creativity, quality of photography, and relevance to India. We expect all applicants to take pictures ethically and with due permissions from the subject. Please be sure to not deface or harm in any way the subject for the sake of the photograph. Editing of the picture is acceptable, but inasmuch as it stays to true to the original subject. Size and quality of the photograph are left for the applicant to decide so that the competition is open and fair to people with different kinds of cameras. Please try to keep the size (in pixels) of the photographs to be as large as possible.

Applicants shall maintain their copyright, but HUII will maintain the right to publish any part or the entirety of the photograph, on its own or in composition with others, at its own discretion.

This post was last modified on June 16, 2021 1:18 PM

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