KFF Innovations On Moving Images Competition 2017 : Kolkata International Film Festival

Organisation : Kolkata Chalachhitra Utsav
Event Name : Kolkata International Film Festival 2017
Competition Name : Innovations On Moving Images Competition
Application Last Date : 31st August 2017
Applicable For : Indian Premiere Films
Prize : INR 51,000,00/-

Download Entry Form : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/24319-ENTRY-IMI.pdf
Contest Details : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/24319-REGULATION-IMI.pdf
Home Page : http://www.kff.in/

Kolkata International Film Festival :

a) Films must be fiction-feature films. Duration will be not less than 60 Minutes.

Related : CFBP Short Film Competition 2017 : www.contest.net.in/24307.html

b) Films must be completed between 1st October 2016 and 15th September 2017 and duly authenticated by the entrant in the entry form.
c) The film which has not been theatrically released in India.
d) Asian, World and International Premiere will get preference but films must be an Indian Premiere.
e) All films in the competition will be screened at the Festival in their original versions, with English subtitles.

f) In the case of co-productions, at least one of the producers/production companies must have the right to sanction the participation of the film in competition in the Festival and authority to receive award, if any, is won.

g) Entrants must agree that if their film/films win any of the Golden ROYAL BENGAL TIGER Awards, all screenings thereafter will acknowledge the Award(s) on the film itself.

h) Entrants should inform the KIFF office by 31st August 2017 about their participation, including the titles of films and the names and addresses of the directors, producers, production companies and world sales companies against each film titles.

i) Films which are selected for competition must be submitted a Blue Ray Disc as back up copy along with the DCP for screening.

j) Entrants are invited to agree that the concerned professionals will receive the award in person, if the film/he/she wins any. KIFF reserves the right to cancel the cash component in case of the awardees not being able to present him/her at the award ceremony on the closing night.

For any reason the awardees is not able to personally attend, he or she should immediately in writing, nominate an immediate family member or from the film its producer or director.

Article 5.2:
Entries will be subject to preview by a committee constituted by the Director, KIFF. A film which is not accepted for the Competition Section can be shown in the CONTEMPORARY WORLD CINEMA or in any of the other sections with the consent of the entrant.

Article 5.3:
The competition will be held from among a minimum of Ten (10) and maximum of Fifteen (15) eligible from not less than 10 countries.

Article 5.4:
The Jury for the Competition will consist of a chairman and five (5) members. Two third of the members will be from outside India.

Article 5.5:
The decision of the jury will be taken by a simple majority of the members present and voting. The jury can evolve its own rules for assessment of the entries. The Director, KIFF or his representatives can attend the deliberations of the jury, but shall neither participate nor vote.

Article 5.6:
No person in any way connected with the production or commercial management of a competitive entry will be a member of the jury. All Members of the jury will refrain from releasing any articles or reviews to the press concerning the films submitted for their judgment till the jury’s decisions have been formally announced at the closing function.

Article 5.7:
The following prizes will be given away:
I. Best Film : A cash prize of INR 51,000,00/- (78000 USD appx.) to be shared equally between the Director and Producer. Director is to be given the GOLDEN
ROYAL BENGAL TIGER and a certificate in addition to the cash component.
Producer will get a certificate in addition to the cash component.

II. Best Director : GOLDEN ROYAL BENGAL TIGER, a Certificate and a cash prize of INR 21,00,000 (32000 USD appx.).

III. Special Jury Award : GOLDEN ROYAL BENGAL TIGER and Certificate only.
No film will be given more than one award. All the cash prizes are subject to Indian Tax laws.

Article 5.8:
The organizers will announce the official selection by 25 October 2017. Films selected can not be withdrawn for any reason from the festival once the festival informs the film sender of the selection, and the selection is officially confirmed by the film sender.

Article 5.9:
KIFF office may invite participants like producers, directors etc to submit their films in the competition section and non competitive section as well.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 5:50 PM

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