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Snapdeal Bigg Boss Contest Season 9 2015-2016 : Viacom 18 Media & Colors Channel

Organisation : Viacom 18 Media Private Limited & Colors Channel
Announcement : Bigg Boss Contest Season 9

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Home Page : https://www.snapdeal.com/

End Date : January 16, 2016

Bigg Boss Contest – Terms & Conditions :

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) are applicable for the Contest hosted and organized by Jasper Infotech Pvt Ltd (referred hereafter to as “Snapdeal”) and Viacom 18 Media Private Limited (“Viacom18”) in relation to its Program “Bigg Boss- Season 9” (“Program”) primarily aired on Colors Channel (“Channel”).

Related :
Snapdeal Top Reviewer Contest 2015 : www.contest.net.in/3468.html

** The Contest is open for all individuals who (“Participant(s)”):
Residents of India except residents of Tamil Nadu state; and
Eighteen years and above of age; and
Have valid account on Snapdeal’s application (“Account”).
Mechanism for Participation

** Participant is required to download the Snapdeal’s mobile application from Google play store or Apple store (“Application”).

** Once the Participant has downloaded the Application, he/she shall access the Program’s tab on the Application and thereafter, select 1 (one) photograph of any of his/her favorite housemate of the Program, submit 1 (one) question which he/she would like to ask their favorite housemate of the Program. After successfully submitting the question, the Participant should submit his/her details as required in the Application (“Question”), during the Contest Period. The Participant is entitled to submit as many Question(s) he/she may like and participate in the Contest unlimited number of times, during the Contest Period.

** Upon successful submission of the Question and adherence of all terms hereof, Viacom18 shall select 1 Question each week during the Contest Period (“Weekly Winner”).

** The Participant who’s Question has been selected by Viacom18 i.e. Weekly Winner will get an opportunity to ask the Question vide a call/video (as per the sole discretion of Viacom18) to his/her favorite housemate of the Program and also, get a chance to speak and interact with Program’s host i.e. Mr. Salman Khan in any episode of the Program (“Prize”).

** The Application is free of cost and the Participant shall not be charged any money to download the same, however, the network operator shall charge the Participant for internet usage/connection to download the Application, hence, the Participants shall be responsible to bear the cost so charged by their respective network operator or the internet service provider.

** The Contest shall commence from October 11, 2015 at 22:30 hours and shall conclude on to January 16, 2016 or the week of the Program i.e. a week before the finale week of the Program, whichever is later (“Contest Period”), which shall be subject to change as per the sole discretion of Viacom18.

** By participating in the Contest, the Participant hereby represents and warrants that Entries submitted by the Participants are original, not in breach of any third party rights’ and are not defamatory/offensive/hurtful to any person/sect/caste etc. The Entries should not be obscene, vulgar, defaming, denigrating women, artist, celebrity or children, hurting religious sentiments, depicting violence or against the public policy of India or/and the internal policies of Snapdeal and Viacom18. In the event of any violation to the aforementioned, Participants shall stand disqualified from the Contest with immediate effect and Viacom18 shall have the right to reject the Entries.

** By participating in the Contest, the Participant hereby represents and warrants that he/she shall solely be liable for any and all action (criminal/civil) arising herefrom and shall also be liable to indemnify Viacom18 and Snapdeal, for any loss, claim, dispute, disruption caused on ground of a default committed by the Participant.

** Viacom18 shall have the unrestricted right and authority to disqualify any Participant, at any point of time, if it comes to their knowledge that such Participant is in breach of any conditions or undertakings stated herein.

** Viacom18 and/or Snapdeal reserves the right to disqualify the Participants immediately from the Contest if Participants have supplied false, obscene or defamatory Question, inaccurate or misleading details and/or information, of any nature and/or have failed to abide by the rules and/or are in breach of the terms hereof.

** The Participants shall be responsible to bear the cost charged by their respective network operator or the internet service provider (as deemed fit by them) for the usage of the services. Viacom18/Snapdeal shall, in no circumstances, be responsible to reimburse any such cost incurred by the Participant on account of such participation in the Contest. Any dispute between the operator or service provider shall be settled directly between the Participant and the service provider/operator.

** Viacom18/Snapdeal shall further not be responsible in case of any kind of network problem, technical failure whatsoever and/or any other problems which may occur due to the failure of the Mechanism or misuse of the Mechanism or any kind of problems in connection thereto.

** The Participant understands and agrees that this Contest is made available to Snapdeal’s users of the Application for the purpose of which Snapdeal is hosting and organizing the Contest on Application which is owned and hosted solely by Snapdeal. In light of the same, any dispute in connection with the participation in the Contest including but not limited to failure of receiving an acknowledgement message, failure of participation in the Contest on account of any technical errors on the Application, etc., shall be settled directly between the Participants and Snapdeal only, without involving Viacom18, in any manner. In case of any such dispute, the decision of Snapdeal shall be final and binding.

** If, in any State and/or territory or part thereof, the running of this Contest is prohibited, the subscribers from such State and/or territory or part thereof shall not be eligible to participate in the Contest. No further notice shall be given by Snapdeal or Viacom18, in this regard.

** Snapdeal with Viacom18’s prior written approval reserves the right to change or suspend the Mechanism for Participation and/or cease/discontinue/cancel/change/alter/modify these Terms and Conditions and/ or criteria of the Contest and/or the Prize and/or Contest Period, at any time at its own discretion and without any prior notice and without assigning any reason, hence the Participant shall be responsible to keep himself/herself updated about the Mechanism for Participation, Content, Prize, Contest Period,etc., at all times.

** The Participant, in addition to this Terms and Conditions laid down herein, shall at all times abide by the rules applicable to the users of Snapdeal’s website (“Website”) including but not limited to Terms of Use and Terms of Offer for Sale mentioned on its Website, etc.

** Viacom18 shall select 1 (one) winner every week during the Contest Period on the basis of the best Entries sent by him/her, from amongst the Participants subject to the Winner duly complying with all Terms and Conditions contained herein. Such Winners shall be selected by the jury(ies) appointed by Viacom18 (“Winner”). The basis for deciding the Winner for the Contest shall solely be decided by the judges appointed by Viacom18 and the Participants or the Winner shall in no manner dispute the same.

** The Participants understand and agree that Snapdeal’s role is limited to hosting, organizing, conducting the Contest on its Application and to provide Viacom18 the cumulative list of the Entries received by it for the Contest. Viacom18 shall be solely responsible to select the Winners for this Contest from amongst such Entries received by it.

** Viacom18 or the authorized representative of Viacom18 shall intimate the Winner at any time/in any manner as deemed fit by Viacom18, on the Email ID/Account provided by him/her during the time of the registration of the Contest, to confirm his/her acceptance. If the Winner fails to confirm the Prize for any reason including but not limited to not responding within the time frame mentioned in the Email communication, and/or refusing to accept the Prize and/or refusing to provide details as required by Viacom18, in such a case, Viacom18 shall have the right to disqualify the Winner and select another person in place of Winner. Winners shall also be responsible to sign a declaration form, as required by Viacom18 and refusal to do so shall result in cancellation of the Prize.

** The Participant also agrees that any failure to receive the call after its acceptance of the Prize and/or after its registration shall be considered as rejected call by Viacom18 and Viacom18 shall not entertain any such dispute/claim/question from such rejected Winner.

** After the enjoyment of the Prize, the respective Winner may also be required to approach Viacom18, in the manner communicated by Viacom18 to sign a release letter in the format required by Viacom18.

** The Winner understands though he/she is entitled to ask only that question which shall be pre-approved by Viacom18. In case any change(s), modification in the question to be asked by the Winner is required by Viacom18 or its authorized representatives, the Winner shall adhere to such changes without any demur or protest.

** In the event of unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of Viacom18/Snapdeal, the Contest cannot be conducted or the Prize is not made available to the Winner, or the Contest or Prize is cancelled, the Winner shall not have the right to claim any damages or monies from Viacom18/Snapdeal and by participating in this Contest the Winner waives his/her right to make any such claims against Viacom18/Snapdeal.

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  1. Vaishali

    I am trying the video upload 50 times but its not uploading. Please help what’s problem. I want to participate.

  2. farhan

    A question to Roshel:
    In the buzzer task of ticket to finale both Mandana and Keesh pressed the buzzer in between some ratio of time and bigg-boss declared that Mandana is the first one to press the buzzer. So obviously Kessh would be second one. Then why is Roshel ignored?

  3. Varsha Rani

    Why cool group plays in a group? This was big boss house but some people play in group. As a viewer we want that all contestants play their own game at this Level.

    This show is very agile. Kishwar, Prince and Roshel are not very good.

  4. Priyanka

    Keith is the best in this house. As a person I like very much Keith. Keith, you are very strong and you are a great guy.

  5. toton

    Keith, you are very strong in big boss house. My vote is with you.

  6. Mamta

    Kishwar is very strong, and I want to see kishwar in final as winner. She is a role model for every girl who wants to be independent. She is showing girl power in BIG BOSS. Last but not the least Mr. Salman khan, Love you. I wish once I can meet with you. Please, for once.

  7. rinki sharma

    Prince you are such a big idiot. Why do you always ignore Priya? She is very smart and she is playing much better then you.

  8. Ifty

    Suyyash, why you always backbiting about other people?
    You say prices is your brother and your friend but you are the one who started talking about him and Nora about how they sit and talk.
    Your looking very fake out here my friend.

  9. mohammed sadullah

    Nora I want to tell you that now a days you are fighting very much in the house just because you got the support of Prince.
    Please stop fighting for unnecessary reasons just because prince is supporting you.

  10. Daksh

    My question to Prince : It seems you have a strong strategy to make brother,sister and girl friend in the house,play in group till the end and then back stab all your so called relatives/group member you made in the house to win the game.but if this is your strategy you surely will fail because its a individuals game and we are not here to watch family Drama, you guys look like a gang of Hyenas and Rishabh , Priya and Mandana are looking like real lions in the Game.

  11. Ramen sinha

    Mandana is the best performer. I like you. Mandan is a strong girl and I vote for Mandana.

  12. shubhu

    Nora you behave like a kid.

  13. pinki

    Mandana please stop double and your false game. Salman sir, don’t support her and I don’t like her. I like Prince and I wish him win this season.

  14. Tanu

    Question for Priya Malik – she keeps repeating to everyone that shuyash follows kishwer and does nothing using his own brains and calls him joru Ka gulaam then why is she herself being an amma (everyone’s mum) on the show and telling people what to do and what not to. She says she is a good person but her dress says something else.

  15. Govind kumar jha

    Rishav, you are very well doing. I hope this season you will win.

  16. saurav verma

    Rishav, you are doing very good. I think you are the winner of this season.

  17. Sammy

    I want to ask Rochelle that is she really a manager. Is her game plan to save from the Nomination or to win BB9. I think she is not a strong contestant. If she is strong why does she always want someone behind her! Does she think Keith is not the only one who make her stronger.

  18. zaiba nasheen

    Rishabh, you playing very well. You are my all time favorite. I can say you are actually a good human being in the big boss house. All the best to you.

  19. Baldev Suna

    Kiswer is an Excellent contestant. She is very good girl in the house of big boss. We want to Kiswar and Mandana are finalist and Kiswer to be Won the contest.

  20. Tenzing Choetso

    I want to say that prince your name is only prince but you are not the real prince. Because you are behaving like prince in the house and please stop shouting at girls. You looks like ghost with no mind and heart. If you play clamp like Guatam you may be win this season!

  21. farha

    My question is to mandana. All the time you are talking about your principles that I am not like that and extra. I want to say please mandana stop being double faced. Be what you are. And I like Keith also because he is strong contestant in the house.

  22. Anu

    Mandana is best and I vote for her. I hate Kishwar and Suyash. Last season was best this season is not so good.

  23. Deval Upadhyay

    I find Prince and Suryash now aggressive, boring, and weak. He just shouts and does nothing. Prince and Suryash please do tasks without being aggressive or shouting. Prove yourselves or leave the show.

  24. Nilesh Patil

    Rishab is the best entertainer and contestant in the house.
    Rishab’s Supporter Nilesh Patil

  25. beni

    I like kishwar because she is strong and straight forward contest. She accepted her big fault in the big boss house and this time she is playing very well. I saw big boss house another contest did not accepted their fault they always try to pretend themselves. I want to win kishwar in the big boss house in addition.

  26. Mohammad Monga

    Rochelle is very sweet and is the best contestant in the house

  27. Mandana karimi

    You are the best. You are playing well. Keep it up.

  28. sohil

    Madana is very nice.

  29. Mubeen Abbas

    Madana is the best in this house and Roshal is also good but now Roshal is with again prince and Kieshwar Madana is the most deserving if she dont win it from here then after her Roshal is deserving

  30. sonamdeep kour

    Mandana is fake and i want her to come out. Please Salman sir don’t say any thing to prince and kiswer

  31. Diksha Jadhav

    Kishwar you are double face girl, stop pointing Rouchelle. She is playing game very well. Please oyu play your own game

  32. deepak

    Why except Tamil Nadu is this contest? I am a big fan of bigboss.

  33. Prateeksha parmar

    Mandna i think you know the weaker points of prince Suyyash and Kishwar that they are aggressive. That’s why you are using them for your popularity using the word that you are a girl? And they are boys

  34. Nuzhat Ussra

    This is Ussra from Bangladesh. How is Prince? You are the best ever. You are the hero of reality show. I am your great fan. In big boss house, everyone need a partner to keep strong his mental ability but dont follow anyone,
    Requesting Salman Sir, please give these message to Prince..
    I love u Big Boss. Wish I have a chance any day in your house…

  35. Saman

    My question is to mandana, all the time you are talking about your principles that I am not like that and extra but what happened to you when you steal chocolates and was behaving as if you don’t know where the chocolates were?
    Please Mandana stop being double faced… be what you are…

  36. muskan

    Hi prince. I just wanted to know when are you going to start playing your game. Right now you are just following kishwer’s steps and supporting suyyash and kishwer in any way possible. We still are waiting to see the prince narula. Please stop being bounded in a team and play your game. Alone.

  37. Nehaa

    My question is to Prince during the first week when you were chained with Rochelle you promised Keith mandana Rochelle that you will always be together till the end and now it seems your promise has vanished!!

  38. Rima Duyu

    I want to ask Kishwar that is she really that stupid? And when it comes to other house mates she doesn’t wants their partners to come between an argument but when it comes to her suyash always defends her even if she is wrong, which basically happens all the time. She batches about

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