nhm.goa.gov.in Short Film Contest On Beti Bachao Beti Padhao : National Health Mission

Organisation : National Health Mission – Goa
Competition Name : Short Film Contest On Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
Applicable For : Open to All
Competition Last Date : December 29, 2017.
Prize : Rs. 25,000/-, 20,000/- and 15,000/-.
Website : http://www.nhm.goa.gov.in/
Rules & Regulations : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/28991-ShortFilm.pdf
Application Form : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/28991-FormFilm.pdf

Short Film Contest On Beti Bachao Beti Padhao :

** The State Family Welfare Bureau, Directorate of Health Services, Campal Panaji in coordination with Collector and District Appropriate Authority, North Goa is organizing short film contest on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao.

Related : National Health Mission Photography Competition 2017 : www.contest.net.in/27191.html

** The contest is open to all.
** The prizes will be awarded at the State Level function on the celebration of National Girl Child Day on January 24, 2018 and the best 3 films will be screened during the function.
** The prizes are Rs. 25,000/-, 20,000/- and 15,000/-.
** The last day of submission of film is December 29, 2017.

** The duration of film is 3-5 minutes and can be in Konkani or Marathi with sub titles in English.
** The film should be produced by Goan Producers/Production House, Goan individuals, students studying in Goa and educational and social institutions only.
** The format of the film should be in MP4 format (1080p movies).

** The entrance may download and rules and regulations available on the website .nhm.goa.gov.in termed as ‘Short Film Contest’.
** All the entries are to be sent to the Chief Medical Officer State Family Bureau, Directorate of Health Services, 2nd Floor, Campal, Panaji.

Subject :
** Beti Bachao Beti Padhao / Save the Girl Child, Educate the Girl Child

Eligibility Conditions :
** The film should only be in Konkani or Marathi Language with sub titles in English language and should be produced by Goan Producers/Production Houses, Goan Individuals, students studying in Goa and educational and social institutions only.

Entry requirements and guidelines :
** The Short Film should be between 3 to 5 mins. No entry exceeding the said duration shall be accepted.

** All Films must carry English Subtitles.
** The format of the film should be in MP4 format( 1080p Movies)
** Films must have been produced after 6th October 2017.
** The film must not be available on the internet.

** All entries should be submitted to this office for selection by no later than 29th December 2017. No entries will entertained after the Last Date.
** Submissions may NOT be withdrawn from the contest once they have been entered, except at the sole discretion of the Contest.

** All entrants accept responsibility for obtaining any and all clearances necessary to screen their film at the contest.
** The film should be original work of the applicant.

Procedure For Entering Films :
** The entrants may download the forms available on the website nhm.goa.gov.in termed as “Short Film Contest”.

All entries must be sent to the following address :
Short Film Contest
To The Chief Medical Officer,
State Family Welfare Bureau,
Directorate of Health Services,
2nd Floor, Campal, Panaji-Goa, 403001
Tele:-(0832) -2225976
E-mail : fw-dhs.goa AT nic.in

Prizes :
1st : Rs.25,000/-;
2nd : Rs.20,000/- &
3rd : Rs. 15,000/-

Each entry form shall be accompanied by the material detailed below and softcopy of the same except the film should emailed to photobbbp AT gmail.com
a) Acceptable formats (MP4 format (1080p Movies)) of Short films. The content may be submitted on a DVD, Pen drive or Blu-Ray disc.

b) Synopsis (precise and not exceeding fifty words)of the film Director & Producer’s profile, Director’s note in English and details of cast and crew
c) Poster of the Film at 300 dpi.

d) One photo of the director, must be 300 dpi.
e) List of full cast/crew.
f) Film synopsis up to a maximum of 400 words

** In case any of the requirements mentioned in this part of the Regulations are not complied with by the applicant the entry is liable to be rejected summarily.

Entry Fee :
** The Entry form/Application will be considered only on receipt of administrative film submission entry fee of Rs.300/- (Three hundred rupees)

** By Demand Draft in favour of Chief Medical Officer, State Family Welfare Bureau, Directorate of Health Services, Panaji-Goa.

Date of submission :
** The last date for receipt of applications along-with supporting materials is 29th December 2017. In case that day is declared a holiday, the next working day will be treated as the last date for receipt of entries.

** Applications received after the last date may be rejected without any reference to the applicant.
** The Department would not be responsible for late, lost, damaged, misdirected, postage due, stolen, or misappropriated entries.

** Entry Forms with incorrect / inadequate / illegible / ambiguous particulars will not be considered. The Department reserves the right to accept or refuse any film without assigning any reason whatsoever.

** Content submitted for selection will be considered as final and no changes will be entertained after submission. It is the sole responsibility of the entrant to submit DVDs without any physical / quality defects.

** The competition is open for professionals as well as students. No separate section for student filmmakers.
** For further queries please contact office of the Chief Medical Officer, State Family Welfare Bureau, Campal- Panaji Goa, on 0832-2225976 between 10.00 am to 4.00 p.m.

Terms & Conditions :
1. The decision of the jury members shall be final and binding and no appeal or correspondence regarding their decision shall be entertained.

2. The award winning films will also be screened in other parts of Goa in Cinema theatres, on TV channels, schools, colleges and other government programmes by the organizers as and when required.

3. In connection with the content you submit to us for consideration in the and associated videocasts, you are authorising to host, cache and store your content and grant a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual and royalty free right and license to use and distribute your content online and other channels.

4. The rights described in this agreement and granted to commence immediately upon submission of content to and continue indefinitely.

5. The State Family Welfare Bureau, Directorate of Health Services shall have the right to include your film or video in its promotional activities. This may include, but not limited to, the creation of show reels and advertisements, physical screenings, viral campaigns, presentations and product pitches.

6. The State Family Welfare Bureau, Directorate of Health Services has the right to compress, transcode, and package your film for online and offline presentation.

7. The State Family Welfare Bureau, Directorate of Health Services has the right to screen your film at events and has the right to assign or sub-license any and all rights granted to third party terrestrial television networks that partner with State Family Welfare Bureau, Directorate of Health Services

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 3:23 PM

Categories: Film/Short Film
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