Tata Sky 2018 A Glass Full of Music Twitter/ Facebook/ Instagram Contest

Organisation : Tata Sky
Contest Name : A Glass Full of Music Twitter/ Facebook/ Instagram Contest 2018
Applicable For : Citizen of India residing in India
Contest Last Date : 1st February 2018

A Glass Full of Music Contest

Please read these Terms & Conditions before entering the #AGlassFullOfMusic Contest for Twitter” contest to be conducted by Tata Sky.

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Who Can Participate?

1. The participant should be a citizen of India residing in India and above 18 years of age at the time of participating in the contest to participate in this Contest (‘Participant’).
2. This Contest is not open to Tata Sky employees, officers and directors and their immediate family members

Steps To Participate

1. There is no entry fee for participation.

2. Participants can log on to https://twitter.com/tatasky and ‘Retweet’ the contest tweet and tweet their answer, comment on question post on Facebook, and upload their videos with the hashtag ‘#AGlassFullOfMusic’ on Instagram.

3. During this activity, Tata Sky will talk only about the #AGlassFullOfMusic and Sula Fest 2018 held at Sula Vineyards. In order to do that, we create 5 (question) post on Twitter, 1 question post on Facebook and 1 question post on Instagram.

The Participants should always use the contest hashtag “#AGlassFullOfMusic for submitting entries on all platforms” while submitting the entries and ‘follow our social pages including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram’.

4. Participant can send in entries to questions mentioned. Participant may participate in the Contest as many times as they feel fit from the same Twitter account, Facebook and Instagram.

5. The entries shared should not be obscene, vulgar, and defamatory nor shall infringe any third-party rights. Tata Sky reserves the right to delete the entries and/or reject/disqualify the application(s) if the same falls within any of the restricted category mentioned above.

6. Participants must answer the question, to be eligible to win.

7. Out of all the entries (which are the property of Tata Sky) to the Contest, during the Contest Period, a maximum of 5 entries in all. 2 best answers from Twitter, 2 videos from Instagram and one from Facebook will be selected from the shortlisted entries (‘Winners’). For clarity, the Winners shall be selected from the entries received for each question.

8. The Winners shall be notified through Direct Message on Twitter or a Tweet mentioning their Twitter handle, a message on Facebook and a Direct Message on Instagram. Prizes will be distributed within 24 hours from the date of announcement of the Winners.

To claim the Prize, Winners should follow the instructions as maybe communicated to them by Tata Sky and collect it at the Tata Sky office.

9. Winners selection shall be done at the sole discretion of Tata Sky and Tata Sky’s decision regarding correct entries and/or Winner shall be final. No other correspondence will be entertained in this regard.


Each Winner shall get “one pass to the Sula Fest 2018” held at Sula Vineyards, after completion of the contest (‘Prize’).

Contest Period

Contest will be open from 5 p.m. IST on 31st January 2018 to 5 PM p.m. on 1st February 2018 on Twitter, 5 p.m. IST on 31st January 2018 to 5 PM p.m. on 1st February 2018 on Facebook and 31st January 2018 to 3rd February 2018 on Instagram.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 4:40 PM

Tags: tatasky.com
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