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Handwriting Repair World Handwriting Contest 2020 : handwritingrepair.info

Organization : Handwriting Repair
Contest Name : World Handwriting Contest 2020
Applicable For : All Age Groups
Last Date : June 30, 2020
Website : https://handwritingrepair.info/

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Handwriting Repair WHAC Contest

The World Handwriting Contest accepts entries each year from January 1 until June 30. To qualify for prizes in a given year, an entry must arrive on or before June 30 of that year.

Related / Similar Contest : Handwriting Repair WHAC Contest 2021

The Contest judges and director will select winners each year, beginning in July and continuing if necessary through September.

Contest Period

The 2020 World Handwriting Contest will be accepting entries from January 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020.

Who May Enter ?

Anyone in the world, of any age, may enter the World Handwriting Contest. Our team of judges will evaluate your entry within ONE of the following age groups.

1. Children (age 7 and under)
2. Pre-Teens (ages 8 through 12)
3. Teens (ages 13 through 19)
4. Adults (ages 20 through 64)
5. Seniors (age 65 and over)


Within each age group, the judges will sort submissions into two categories of handwriting

Functional Handwriting – Which strives for legibility, speed, and fluency without aiming at artistic effect. For this category, the judges will further separate entries as cursive or manuscript (printing).

Cursive – Joins 50% or more of its letters.

Manuscript (Print-Writing) – Joins fewer than half of its letters.

Artistic Handwriting -Which uses a monoline or calligraphy marker, pen, or brush along with decorative strokes, flourishes, or combinations of shading and hairlines to create an artistic effect.

How To Participate?

1. For Children Through Age 12:
** Handwriting that action of emotion, of thought, and of decision that has recorded the history of mankind, revealed the genius of invention, and disclosed the inmost depths of the heart.

** Handwriting ties us to the thoughts and deeds of our forebears and serves as an irrevocable link to our humanity.

** No machine or technology can replace the contribution or continuing importance of this skill. It has been necessary in every age and is just as vital to civilization as our next breath.

For Ages 13 And Over:
** Handwriting that action of emotion, of thought, and of decision that has recorded the history of mankind, revealed the genius of invention, and disclosed the inmost depths of the soulful heart.

** It gives ideas tangible form through written letters, pictographs, symbols, and signs. Handwriting forms a bond across millennia and generations that not only ties us to the thoughts and deeds of our forebears, but also serves as an irrevocable link to our humanity.

** Neither machines nor technology can replace the contribution or continuing importance of this inexpensive portable skill. Necessary in every age, handwriting remains just as vital to the enduring saga of civilization as our next breath.

2. Write out and submit the complete text of the quote selected for your age group. Please do not write additional material within your entry.

3. Use either lined or unlined paper, 8 1/2 x 11 inches or A4 size.

4. Use any of the following writing instruments: ballpoint pen, fountain pen, felt/fiber tip marker, or calligraphy pen/brush. (Use the same writing instrument throughout the entry). Because we scan winning entries for display, please use only black ink and white or light-colored paper (plain or lined) with no pre-printed pictures or decorations.

5. The written quote must fit on the front side of ONE sheet of paper. Allow at least a 1/2-inch margin on all sides of the quote.

6. On the backside of your entry (not on the front), or in the text of the email to which a scan of an entry is attached write in English

** your full name,
** your full address,
** your age on July 1 of the year in which you enter,
** your phone number,
** your e-mail address (if any).

7. Please do not use a separate piece of paper for this information, and please do not write this information on the front of the entry. The back of each entry must contain that entry’s own identifying information.

** Please give the school,s name and address (phone number and e-mail address if available) along with your own name and address, your school to receive notification of your winning.
** All personal information will remain confidential.
** The World Handwriting Contest will use student information only to notify winners and, in an aggregate manner, for research purposes.
** You do not have to send your first attempt; in fact, we expect that you will not send your first attempt.
** Remember that the allotted time runs from January 1st through June 30th, so take all the time you need to practice and send your best effort.
** All entries become the property of the Contest. The World Handwriting Contest will not return submitted entries.
** Please note: until the first day of judging (July 1st), all material marked “World Handwriting Contest” or “Handwriting For Humanity” will remain unopened.
** If you have general inquiries about the contest and need a response before the judging begins, do not put the words “Handwriting for Humanity/World Handwriting Contest” onto the envelope.)
** Do NOT mail or email your entries before January 1. We cannot accept entries with postmark-dates from the previous year.


India Address :
World Handwriting Contest
#2327, Sector-22C,
Chandigarh, India 160022

Call : +91 9815017977
E-mail: healthyhandwriting@gmail.com

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  1. Anonymous

    mail or post exam paper

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