IIT Delhi Diamond Jubilee Logo Design Competition 2020

Organisation : IIT Delhi
Contest Name : Diamond Jubilee Logo Design Competition 2020
Applicable For : IIT Delhi Students, Staff & Faculties
Last Date : 12.07.2020
Website : https://home.iitd.ac.in/

IIT Delhi Logo Design Competition

IIT Delhi Diamond Jubilee Call for Logo Design Competition 2020.

Related / Similar Contest : Lava Design In India Contest 2020

The logo should be conceptualized such that it evokes the following
a) Growth and harmony
b) Excellence in research and education
c) Sustainability of resources
d) The number 60 representing Diamond Jubilee
e) Futuristic progress


The competition is open to the current fraternity of IIT Delhi including students, staff and faculties.

How to Participate?

Participants should have an eye for creativity, design and passion. The logo design should reflect a sense of maturity, dignity and professionalism. Submit your designs to diamond [AT] iitd.ac.in

Technical Criteria

1. Logo should be submitted in JPEG, PNG or PDF format only with maximum size not exceeding 10 MB.

2. Logo should be designed in colour. The designed logo shall be provided in both CYMK and RGB formats. The size of the logo may vary from 5cm*5cm to 60cm*60cm in either portrait or landscape.

3. The Logo should be usable on the website / social media such as Twitter /Facebook and on printed materials such as black and white press releases, stationery and signage, labels etc.

4. The Logo should be designed on a digital platform. The winner of the competition shall be required to submit the design in open file format (EPS/CDR/PSD/AI). Winner should ensure that original designs are submitted.

5. All fonts should be converted to outlines.
6. File should be high resolution – at least 300 pixels per inch at 100% size.
7. File should look clean (not pixilated or bit-mapped) when viewed on screen at 100%.

8. Entries should not be submitted in compressed or self- extracting formats.
9. The logo design should not be imprinted or watermarked.

Selection Process

1. All entries received by the stipulated date and found in order, shall be evaluated by a Selection Committee, constituted for the purpose. The Committee will shortlist the entries and will decide the winner if an entry is found suitable.

2. Entries would be judged on the basis of elements of creativity, originality, composition, technical excellence, simplicity, artistic merit and visual impact and how well they communicate the theme of IIT Delhi Diamond Jubilee 2020.

3. The decision of the Selection Committee would be final.
4. There will be only one winner of competition.
5. Winner shall be required to provide the original open source file of the designed logo.

Notification :

Winner Announcement

** The winner will be declared through email or by way of announcing his / her name on the Diamond Jubilee web site. The result of the competition will also be uploaded on the website of the Institute.

** Once a winner is declared, he/she will need to revert through email within 01 working day or else another winner will be chosen.


** Winner – Rs. 30,000/-
** 1st runner up – Rs. 20,000/-
** 2nd runner up – Rs. 10,000/-

Terms & Conditions

** Each participant can submit ONLY one entry.

** The logo design must be original and should not violate any provision of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957 or the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.

** The winning Logo is meant to be used by IITD Diamond Jubilee team for promotional and display purposes, Information, Education and Communication materials and also for any other use as may be deemed appropriate.

** The Logo should be usable on the website / mobile app / social media such as Twitter / Facebook / Instagram and on Magazines, Commercial Hoardings / Standees, Brochures, Leaflets and Pamphlets, Souvenirs and other Publicity and Marketing materials.

Last Date

Last Date for Submission of your designs is 12th July 2020 12:00 midnight IST

This post was last modified on July 4, 2020 12:54 PM

Categories: Design/Logo
Tags: iitd.ac.in

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