Equitas Bank Bindaas Jeeto Contest 2021 : equitasbank.com

Organisation : Equitas Small Finance Bank
Contest Name : Bindaas Jeeto Contest 2021
Hashtag : #BindaasJeeto
Applicable For : All people in India
Last Date : 11/11/2021
Website : https://www.equitasbank.com/

Equitas Bank Bindaas Jeeto Contest

Equitas Small Finance Bank is carrying out a promotional contest in order to create awareness at national level amongst Participants about convenience and usage of utility bill payment through Bharat BillPay, which is an exclusive service of NBBL.

Contest Period

Contest Period shall mean the period commencing from October 11, 2021 to November 11, 2021

Who Can Participate?

** “Operating Unit” or “OU” shall mean Equitas Small Finance Bank where the customer holds his/her account for participating in the Contest.

** Biller Categories shall mean inter alia include the categories of billers as would be included by NBBL as per its sole and absolute discretion.
** Participant shall mean an Indian citizen who pays his/her utility bills in the Biller Categories.

** OFFUS transaction shall mean a transaction when Participant makes the utility bill payment from Bharat BillPay enabled payment channels (Internet Banking/Mobile Banking) of Equitas Small Finance Bank.

How to Participate?

Steps :
The Participant in order to be eligible/be entitled to win Smartphone or Alexa Show or Smartphone needs to perform the following

Step 1 : Participant would have to pay bills via Equitas Small Finance Bank’s Internet / Mobile banking channel enabled with Bharat BillPay passing through Bharat BillPay Central Unit for the approved Biller Categories.

Key Qualification Criteria :
Participant would be required to carry out minimum three (03) successful transactions passing through NBBL CU during the Contest Period through a registered mobile number.

Note :
Minimum value of a transaction is Rs. 100


** 1st Prize Smartphone 1
** 2nd Prize Alexa Show 2
** 3rd Prize Smartphone 2
** Total Rewards 5

In case of a tie, customer completing maximum bill payments first during the Contest Period will be rewarded basis on time stamp.

Terms & Conditions

** NBBL or Equitas Small Finance Bank does not hold any liability on warranty/quality product (Smartphone, Alexa Dot & Alexa Show) / rewards. Customer may reach out to respective OEM/ Brand for any product related Issues.

** At the end of the Contest period, Equitas Small Finance Bank and NBBL will verify the eligible Participant details (before declaring winners / eligible for Prize and will declare 5 winners eligible for Smartphones and Alexa Speakers (subject to such changes as NBBL may from time to time deem fit and proper). The eligible winner Participant will be entitled for only one (01) of the above prizes/rewards during the entire Contest Period.

** Winner(s) do hereby un-conditionally and willing consent to provide their full particulars, including their full PAN Card/Address Proof for the purpose of verification & audit and to enable Equitas Small Finance Bank, to dispatch either the Smartphone or Alexa Show; which the winner Participant is entitled to get.

** One winner can win one reward only and he/she cannot claim multiple reward form multiple Equitas Small Finance Banks.

** NBBL employees and their immediate family members (including spouses, children, parents, brothers and sisters) are not eligible to participate in the Contest.

** Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

** Participants hereby expressly consent and agree that the Participant(s) shall not, without the prior written approval of Equitas Small Finance Bank speak to the press or any other media nor give any interviews or comments relating to the Contest or winning thereafter.

** The Participants (defined below) are required to approach the Equitas Small Finance Bank for addressing / redressal of any queries / grievance that they may so have about the Contest.

** This Contest and its terms and conditions shall be governed exclusively by the laws of India and jurisdiction shall be vested exclusively in the courts at Mumbai in India.

** Equitas Small Finance Bank to make the customer proud and valuable by telling the customer to Click a Selfie/Photo with the receipt of Successful bill payment and post it on Facebook or Twitter tagging respective bank i.e. banks. This would be counted in qualification for final Winner.

Terms & Conditions :

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