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kidovators.com : SBI 2015 India’s Most Innovative Challenge For School Kids

Organization : kidovators
Competition Name : SBI Kidovators 2015 India’s Most Innovative Challenge For School Kids
Applicable Status : All India
Closing Date : 13th August 2015

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Website : http://wwkidovators.com/2015/

Update : SBI Kidovators 2016 Innovative Challenge  : www.contest.net.in/15527.html

Round – 1 :

Dates: 19th August 2015 | 27th August 2015 | 5th September 2015 | 13th September 2015

Nehru Science Centre Innovative Project Competition for School Students 2015 :

For: Students of Classes 3 – 8
Type of Test: 42 Questions | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Format with NEGATIVE Marking | Total Marks is 50 (Section 1 – 4: +1 for right answers, -0.25 for wrong answers; Section 5: +5 for right answers, -2 for wrong answers)
Time Duration: 60 Minutes
** Section 1- Communication Skills Ability – 10 Questions
** Section 2 – Quantitative Aptitude – 10 Questions
** Section 3 – General Knowledge & Current Affairs – 10 Questions
** Section 4 – Mental Ability & Scientific Aptitude – 10 Questions
** Global Problems based Case Studies – 2 Questions
Medium of Test: English only
Suitable for: CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE, CIE and State Board school students

Round – 2 :

Date: October & November 2015
** The Top 100 students of every grade would qualify for Round 2 (Semi-final).
** This round is a telephonic conversation with these participants.
Type of Test: Verbal test on general observations and present day phenomena in our surroundings
Time Duration: 5 – 10 Minutes per semi-finalist
Medium of Test: Spoken English only

Grand Finale :

** All India Top 25 students of every class of classes 3 – 8 (150 in total) would be extended an invitation to participate in the Grand Finale of Kidovators 2015 in Bhubaneshwar (Odisha).
** In this round, all students will represent various nations / organiztions in different roles such as Heads or Ministers and solve problems that have gripped the modern world in their own unique ways.
** Based on the leadership skills displayed, intuitiveness and innovation of the solutions provided, the ‘Champion Kidovator of India’ would be declared.
** Our aim is to create Global Leaders of tomorrow who can lead this worls in a better way

Criteria :

** Minimum of 30 students from a school should be enrolled for Round 1.
** The school will be the ‘Centre of Examination’ for Round 1.
** School can choose the Round 1 date to be on either of the four test dates mentioned above.
** (Once the school has selected the date no changes shall be entertained.)

Guidelines :

** Students must participate through schools only. No individual participation is permitted in Kidovators 2015.
** Please follow the following guidelines for submitting the application for Kidovators 2015.
** Select the date for 1st Round. Find the Last Date for the application for respective test dates from the list below
** 20th July 2015 (for Test on 19th August 2015)
** 27th July 2015 (for Test on 27th August 2015)
** 8th August 2015 (for Test on 5th September 2015)
** 13th August 2015 (for Test on 13 September 2015)


** In case you wish to avail the ‘EARLY BIRD OFFER’ the application Last Date is 20th June 2015.
** Send the information regarding the competition to the students. The fees to be submitted is INR 250/- per child.
** The students need to submit this along with their Mother’s Name, Contact Number and Email ID.
** Xerox the ‘STUDENT DETAIL FORM’ and keep it in case you need to fill in more student details.
** Fill in the details of the students who are submitting the fees in ‘STUDENT DETAIL FORM’. The form should be filled MS Excel only.

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Add a Comment
  1. Reema

    When and where will the round 2 results of kidovators 2016 be declared?

  2. Anwesha Patra

    Please refer me Kindovators question paper and books. How can I prepare for this exam?

  3. Raj

    Is there any model questions or books to learn?

  4. Nisha

    Kidovators question papers how to prepare for this exam?

  5. Jignesh Savani

    Any update on finale round at Bhubaneshwar ?



  7. kunal

    When 2nd round results will declare?

  8. tarun mishra

    When will result be declared?

  9. nisha

    When will result come?

  10. gunjan

    When will result come?

  11. yogesh

    When will result come?

    1. Admin

      Round 2 is going to be a ‘Practical Challenge’ based telephonic interview

  12. t

    When will the result of litigators of 2015 be declared?

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