ramanujancollege.ac.in Logo Design Contest 2023 : Ramanujan College

Organisation : Ramanujan College
Contest Name : Logo Design Contest 2023
Applicable For : All the existing students who are on the rolls of the College
Last Date : 20th November 2023
Website : https://ramanujancollege.ac.in/

What is Ramanujan College Logo Design Contest?

Logo Design Contest 2023 is organized by Ramanujan College. Interested students are invited and encouraged to participate in this historic logo-making competition. In the event of the selection of the Logo, the designer of the same will be rewarded appropriately. The selected logo is going to be used in all media – including online, print and other visual collateral. Last Date of Contest is 20th November 2023.

Eligibility of Logo Design Contest

1. All the existing students who are on the rolls of the College are eligible for participation in this competition.
2. Students are allowed to participate either in individual capacity or in a team of 2 members only.
3. Every student participant can submit only one entry, either in individual capacity or as a member of a sole team project. Multiple entries from the same participant will not be considered and will lead to outright rejection.
4. All participants are bound by the rules of the contest. Violating any rule will lead to immediate disqualification.

Technical Parameters of of Logo Design Contest

1. The Logo should be submitted in .jpeg or .png or .pdf format only.
2. The Logo should be designed using colors (Not Grayscale or Black & White).
3. The Logo should be designed on a digital platform only. The winner of the competition shall be required to submit the design in open file format (EPS/CDR/PSD).
4. The size of the final design may vary from 4 cm x 4 cm to 60 cm x 60 cm.
5. The Logo must be of circular shape within the specified dimensions, as mentioned above. The above dimensions indicate only the minimum and maximum ‘frame’ sizes.
6. The Logo must highlight the Motto/Vision statement of Ramanujan College “Discover Empower Transform”. It is up to the participant to be creative with the representation of this Motto in the Logo design.
7. The Logo should be in high resolution with minimum 600 DPI and should look clean (not pixelated or bit-mapped) when viewed on screen at 100% resolution.
8. The Logo should not be submitted in compressed or self-extracted formats.
9. The Logo design should not be imprinted or watermarked.
10. The Logo design must be adaptable onto any form/surface and be usable on the website / social media such as Facebook/Instagram/X/LinkedIn and on printed materials such as press releases, letterheads, flyers, posters, banners etc.
11. Every entry must be accompanied by a brief write-up/ explanation in a maximum of 200 words. This write-up has to be submitted along with the proposed logo. The write-up should elaborate on the theme and concept behind the Logo.
12. During the course of evaluation, contest organizers may ask participants to resubmit their entries in different size(s)/ format(s), depending upon the requirement.
13. Participants must keep the original editable/ open file format ready – as it shall be required to be submitted later for the winning entry.

Important Dates of Logo Design Contest

** Last date for submission of entries is 20th November 2023 (Monday), 5:00 p.m.
** Any late entry after the stipulated date and time will not be entertained under any circumstances and will be immediately rejected.

Submission Guidelines of Logo Design Contest

1. All participants (Individual/Team) are required to submit their entries only by using the attached Google Form link. Entries submitted through any other medium/mode would not be considered for evaluation.
2. The Logo must be submitted in .jpeg, .png or PDF formats only.
3. The entry must be accompanied by a brief write-up/explanation of the Logo Design (in 200 words) and how it best symbolizes Ramanujan College.

Selection Process of Logo Design Contest

1. All the entries received within the stipulated date and time would be carefully evaluated, assessed and judged by the Media Cell of Ramanujan College.
2. The Media Cell of Ramanujan College would shortlist the Top-3 entries on the basis of creativity, originality, composition, technical excellence, aesthetic qualities, simplicity, artistic merit and visual impact, among others.
3. The decision of the Media Cell of Ramanujan College would be final and binding on all the participants and no clarifications would be issued to any participant, whatsoever

Award of Logo Design Contest

Award for the Top-3 entries would be distributed as follows:
** 1st Prize: Rs.10,000
** 2nd Prize: Rs.5000
** 3rd Prize: Rs.3000

Other Terms & Conditions of Logo Design Contest

1. The responsibility to comply with the guidelines and other conditions fully lies with the participant and Ramanujan College shall not be liable for any dispute raised by a third party.
2. Ramanujan College reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the competition and/or the Rules and Guidelines.
3. The participants are required to regularly visit the website & social media handles of Ramanujan College for any updates related to this competition.

4. In the event of selection of the Logo, the designer of the Logo shall be rewarded only as per the amount specified under the ‘Selection Process and Award’. The decision of the Media Cell of Ramanujan College, in the event of grant of Award money, would be final and binding.

5. Any legal proceedings arising out of this competition/its entries/winners shall be subject to the local jurisdiction of NCT of Delhi.

Detailed Terms & Conditions Download here : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/pdf2023/68957-logo.pdf

Categories: Design/Logo
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